The poll is over, and the result is clear: to – 490 points –

The poll is over, and the result is clear:

#FireFox users have very little interest for Chatbot integration into their browser.

I am very much aware that the people, who voted in this poll are hardly a representative sample, but more than 2.4K people is a better size than many "professional" opinion polls.

@mozilla & @firefox should take people, who actually care about their #browser choice, seriously.

I still seriously believe that #Mozilla's fate matters,



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Can this poll be considered official ? I clicked the link and it looks like a Twitter poll or something.


Of course, it's not official.

I made this poll, as just a normal Fedi user.

It got more attention than I had anticipated, though.

This post is confusing because I recently did take an official Firefox poll involving AI features (and others).


I'm sorry.

It was certainly never my intention to impose myself like an official channel or something like that.

I still welcome a debate here.