“Vote for your ethics”: Libertarian VP nominee explains why he doesn’t think it’s a wasted vote

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -48 points –
"Vote for your ethics": Libertarian VP nominee explains why he doesn't think it's a wasted vote

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You are not fooling anyone

You are not fooling anyone

Well, since I'm not trying to fool anyone, that would make perfect sense.

But hey, you're being a little vague lately. Maybe you could just flat out say what you think it is I am trying to do.

Who is it that you think I am trying to "fool"? And why would I be trying to "fool" anyone?

You know, just go ahead and say it. Just so no one is confused.

Come on, say it. Ya know you want to.

I don't have to say something that everyone already sees.

And yet you just have said something. And I'm still not voting for your candidate. So feel free stay mad. :)

Yeah I want you to know that your downvotes are from everyone knowing what a liar we're dealing with. No one believes you.

If everyone’s so sure I’m a liar, why the need to downvote instead of engaging with facts? Seems like I’m striking a nerve. Honestly, your quick accusations make me even more sure that you're working as a Republican agent, trying to protect the duopoly by sowing discord.

Lol yeah man you're the rational one here. I should totally waste hours arguing with a bad-faith brick wall. Have you ever considered you're actually getting universally hated because you're not a good guy?

It’s clear your goal is to sow mistrust and fear, just to keep the status quo alive and well. You’re not fooling anyone who’s paying attention.