Gig economy to Lefty – 1026 points –

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Good luck running your ideal society on all gig jobs. I predict total collapse of infrastructure within the first six months.

My point is proved.

Like I said, some people love nothing more than to reframe whatever you are saying or whatever you are doing in the worst possible light for no reason other than to make you feel bad.

I’m not trying to huwt yur feewsies, I’m saying you can’t run an advanced society on gig work. I’m sorry reality is a thing.

You seem to think I have some sort of emotional investment in this and I can assure you that I do not. I'm saying that today's reality is not tomorrow's reality and that things can get better, which is a fact and not really up for debate.

As to whether or not they will get better that very much is up to debate, but if you think that being condescending is proving your point then maybe you should take some time and think a little longer.