Just browsing my photos from 10 years ago. I was amused when I browsed the university library computer science artificial intelligence shelf. ...I sometimes wish AI had stayed at this level.

umbraroze@lemmy.world to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 499 points –

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nah ai is great.

My lukewarm take is that all this hate on AI is really just hating on big companies trying to squeeze money out of some new development. AI (or rather LLMs) are not the problem.

I personally like AI in its current state, still goofy and not a valid replacement for people. I definitely don't like that all of these corporations are justifying their billions in spending by forcing it into any and every app they can think of!

Why do I need Gemini to suggest a list of items I'm gonna need in my notes app that I likely opened to create a list of things I knew I already needed?