1 Post – 279 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Because on one side you have a kid and on the other side you have hordes of psychologists paid millions for devising better ways to trick them into clicking.

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They missed "oh nevermind, I fixed it" without explaining how or ever commenting again.

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Great, just get the heck out of here with your gig market profiteering.

Shareholders: you doubled your profit last year, so I expect you to do it again this year.

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What will keep you safe is not selling your business to a mega corp.

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They're not saying you can't have an adblocker. They're saying their software will try not to serve you their data if you do, or at least make it inconvenient.

You have a right to your computer. You do not have a right to their service.

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Maybe not such a great idea to have a literal oil sultan host the event. Bad optics and so on.

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Considering how much stuff people dump on there that probably doesn't even deserve to be released it's not super surprising right? I'm more surprised that 8.9% of games, that's almost 1 in 10, made over $200k.

Also clearly visual novels are not the way to go if you want to make a lot of money

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I think BG3 showed conclusively that no one will ever play single player games no matter how great they are. /s

It's not super difficult to just make a standards compliant website. I always wonder how in this day and age people manage to create professional websites with browser specific bugs.

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That's fine. Everyone had their revenge, let's leave it at that. Everyone go back home.

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They did interview both a CEO and a banker for this article so they did their best to get some diverse insights.

Why would you ask a bot to generate a stereotypical image and then be surprised it generates a stereotypical image. If you give it a simplistic prompt it will come up with a simplistic response.

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You just had to footnote your one line comment because of language erosion. Take that as you will.

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If they really are micro breaks, as in a few minutes, try doing nothing. Just being alone with your thoughts a few times per day is good for you. We're not made to have our attention grabbed by media 24/7.

I can appreciate that sentiment but at the same time it'd be hard to swallow if I were Ukrainian and the Russians were at this very moment killing my countrymen while my ally invites them over for tea. It's one thing to let go of the past, quite another to let go of the present.

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Headline is false as well, there are other companies that did this already.

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Wow that's quite the abrasive response to an off the cuff remark. Have a nice life.

Still it will be hard to break to my mixed race kids that their dad is a secret white nationalist.

Not saying you're necessarily wrong but "Fuck em" seems to be the new mantra of our society on all levels. Doesn't bode well for the future.

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Maybe not even intentionally. When games first became "online only" it was a big deal, now many games just break if they can't initialize an internet connection. Even ones that don't use it.

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Man it must be tough working in politics. The constant slamming left and right would give me a headache.

Congratulations. You're the favorite person of every oil company executive and petty dictator-wannabe. You think when the unions fought against child labor and 80+ hour work most people didn't think they were crazy?

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I mean 10 years and 600m dollars later and still not feature complete, that's decent reason to "whine" I'd say.

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Tech worker here. I'm gd pleased to bits for anyone making a decent income. Congrats UPS drivers. Do teachers next!

Don't fall for their cynical attempts to divide us. They'll try to make it about age, race or religion but it's not. It's about management vs workers.

The kids saw the strikers outside? May be a good teaching moment so something personally positive comes out of it.

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War crimes are war crimes even if you feel like you have a good reason (hint: there's no good reason to cut off the watersupply to an entire population.)

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$20 / 200 items = $0.10 per item $60 / 750 items = $0.08 per item

So your savings are $0.08 - $0.10 = -$0.02 per item.

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Those damn boomers at it again. Effecting actual change and... Wait..

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Just like "communist" states don't actually practice communism, the term "Zionist" has become conflated with Israeli colonialism in Palestine. The dictionary definition no longer matches the common usage of the word.

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When you're under indictment, that's the perfect time to create political spectacle and distract everyone's attention.

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Quick someone SLAM JK Rowling for saying more idiotic nonsense. We need more celebrities SLAMMED as soon as possible. Some politicians too, keep on SLAMMING folks!

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I like to hate on the rich as much as anyone but this feels like it was a simple misunderstanding. It's not like he's going to intentionally try to dodge paying taxes (peanuts for him) on a watch he was gifted and planned to sell at a charity auction.

Agreed. There's only one solution. The UN needs to disarm both sides, depose their governments and make the whole area a UN protectorate. Remove any illegal settlements. Try anyone on both sides involved in war crimes or human rights violations.

Israel and Palestine can not behave like grown ups? Take away their toys and put them in time out.

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I don't know, I have family in Taiwan and I haven't heard of any panic. Yes people are worried but they're also more than used to China's saber rattling. And Xi has a lot more of a long term vision than Putin. No one believes an invasion is imminent.

I'm pretty sure cutting of food and water to an entire population is no gray area, it's pretty unambiguously a warcrime.

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Probably depends on the deal they made for selling our data. Could be a gold mine for em. Here's hoping for a big crash down to earth though.

No. It's a coincidence.

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I don't think he needed to plan it. This is just convenient. He knew one way or another he would get his way. Hell he'd do it without Biden's approval if needed, wouldn't be the first time they gave the US the middle finger. They know going directly against Israel is political suicide in the US.

Hey it's a free world. You're welcome to migrate to a different instance. Heck why not run your own? That's the power of the fediverse. Or just head back to Reddit.