Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand. to politics – 5 points –
Opinion | Trump's rambling is getting worse

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I'm not USian, but I've seen online Democrats complaining about Biden as often, if not more, than Republicans.

Democrats defended him tooth and nail. They spit out venomous accusations at anyone critical of him. They buried their head in the sand over the last several years about his cognitive decline by demanding it was a speech impediment, which was NEVER present in any of his speeches prior to 2008

Well, there are millions of them, so both things can be true. MY personal experience is seeing them criticizing more than defending.

Criticizing is irrelevant when they won't hold them accountable. For all intents Biden could have said 'I could kill 30,000 Palestinian children and not lose a single voter.'

If he wasn't losing voters, why was he behind Trump in the polls?

If Biden stayed in the race those very same people that criticized him would have still voted for him. Meaning that criticism was performative.