The new appleOS updates have surprised me! to Operating – 1 points –

I have the dev betas on my devices because I live life on the edge.

I'm really surprised at how focused they've been on UX improvements. So many minor things that had been bothering me for ages have been tweaked or fixed.

Have you tried the betas? Thoughts?


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Yeah, it's kinda crazy but I'm already running the dev beta on my iPad Pro and my Mac mini (main machine), and other than occasional graphics glitches or whatnot, I've been amazed at the stability and some actual bug fixes from previous versions. If it's looking this good already at the beginning of the summer, I'm feeling pumped about the fall!

This makes me hopeful for my iPad Pro. I love it, don’t get me wrong but the fixes I’ve heard to stage manager will be welcome with the Magic Keyboard.

It's already far more stable, especially when working with multiple screens for me.

Ventura would forget my display layout almost daily, Sonoma hasn't once. And I am LOVING Desktop widgets, something I've wanted for ages! And Apple, in a very un-apple move, put in loads of options to tweak how the UI works

Desktop widgets, something I’ve wanted for ages

Everything old is new again. Maybe OS 15 San Francisco will bring back brushed metal :lol:

I think there’s more use for them now

The big question will be how long Apple pays attention to them this time. So many ideas get launched and then wither on the vine because the OS team is off chasing the new shiny thing.