
2 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So their plan is to ensure students know the costs upfront (This is already done) and then to limit certain students from borrowing. What a wonderful idea to bring home to your constituents while not addressing the issue of rising costs.

Take time for yourself! You guys deserve it. You've had a lot on your plate that you didn't expect.

One of the major features is defederation. While you don’t have to have a walled garden, your instance gets to choose who it joins to. And I’d rather not join to threads as we’ve seen what Mets does with open protocols.

That’s just like, your opinion man.

The mods will make that decision when it’s feasible for them as volunteers. Not when it’s demanded.

This is something we see with our students at school. I think we do them a disservice assuming they have skills we had to acquire as technology progressed. Even something as fundamental as typing is not being actively taught.

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This is what I have failed to understand about people seemingly worried about this instance wanting to be a safe space. If they do not like it, they can just jump to another instance.

It's so they can go home and bang the doldrums about the Senate not allowing their bill to progress. They get to campaign on, well I tried!

The persistent problem is the fact she’s clearly not able to fulfil her duties. She should resign. It’s not like her seat is in danger.

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Home networking or self hosted.

I personally wouldn’t want to moderate users from instances where there is no standard of decorum. If we are to federate with others there needs to be a baseline expectation from other instances commenting in our communities and vice versa.

Oof. I will miss sync.

Great take on this. Elon is a lot like the dog who caught the car. He has no idea what to do now.

Although the decision will not have a large impact on North Carolina, I’m glad this independent legislature theory is squashed. The idea that the state legislature should have unchecked authority is directly at odds with democratic principles.

Excellent news!

That’s a great list of potential communities.

Haven’t been around as much since school started back, but I filled the survey out regardless.

I believe they have asked for volunteers recently. I think even with an expanded mod team beehaw would be still dealing with the central issue of having to watch every user from every other instance we’re federated with. And I can see where that is problematic for instances with open registration.

I’d rather have a quality instance where we have agreed rules vs just allowing other users to come in with the sole purpose to troll.


Link to the thread being talked about. Definitely looks like a open up your subreddits or else.

I suspect we’re about to see a lot of mods lose their permissions. Reddit will allow some protest but not at the expense of investors getting spooked.

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No talk of passengers, so at the very least one person is missing, but up to 5. Also they have no other submersible that can reach that depth. From an insurance stance, that sounds like a massive liability risk to undertake, not to mention it’s just unwise.

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A nuclear stockpile being fought over in a civil war is a terrifying prospect.

Which means they gross $750,000 per 8 hour trip. They should have a recovery vessel at those prices.

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In the south they were primarily a response to segregation. There’s all kinds of issues with them.

Didn’t Texas just say that workers don’t have to be given water breaks?

People need to realize that free speech only protects you from the government. We don’t have to listen to speech we don’t agree with.

Even if we limit ourselves initially by defederating, it gives the mods a break, and allows us as an instance to work out what instances we’d like to federate with. That seems a better way of going about it vs opening the flood gates on the idea our users will have greater access. Growing pains suck. This will work itself out. Right now, the Reddit blackout left many of the trolls with no where to go and a carefully curated instance probably looks like an easy way to get their fix.

I wager they don’t have a recovery vessel because they have people sign contracts only allowing arbitration.

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Some of the comments I’m seeing on other instances just backs up the mods decision. They are downright hostile to being defederated from. Like it’s their right to have unfettered access to any and all posts.

Very thankful I was grandfathered in with my the original promo price for google play music.

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Mgs 3 snake eater was peak for me. I can’t wait for the remaster coming later this year.

While there are risk factors associated with gas appliances, I think it’s incredibly high handed to just tell people to go buy non gas appliances. Good ventilation should be absolutely codified in municipal codes, but not everyone can just eat the ancillary costs associated with swapping out new stoves and fuel sources.

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No. This case will have specific rules it must follow because of the nature of the documents and felonies. If she hampers the trial the DOJ can appeal directly to the appeals court under CIPA. While trump can also use this appeals process, it should cause her to pause.

I think the only downside is the parts are astronomical should something break or need replacement. Otherwise I’d love a cooktop.

I’d wager 90% of users do that. I see way too much phoning home former to ever be comfortable with that.

"Everything else can fail. Your thrusters can go, your lights can go and you'll be safe."***********

Tiny desk are always instant plays for me. I wonder if NPR gains monetization from the views for their budget.

iOS requires WebKit based browsers no matter what they’re named. May as well use safari and its extensions until they open up the backend.


I have two matfers that I like a lot.

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Went to a coffee cupping class and got to talk shop with other coffee roasters. It’s been a great start to the week.