The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024

jordanlund@lemmy.worldmod to politics – 215 points –

Really you don't need to read more than one chart:

If you vote for anyone other than Harris, you're voting for Trump:


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If people can tolerate Trump being on the Epstein flight logs and Harris taking enormous sums from the Crypto-Bros, I don't think Stein's dinner with the Russians is going to phase them.

But I guess you can always default to the Libertarians. Can't think of anything problematic about a bunch of Americans that idolize Milei.

And the enormous sums she taken from AIPAC, and refusing to prosecute one of the architects of the 2008 housing crisis, opposing body cams on cops, locking up parents of truant children, etc. etc.

Oh sure, but this is all far-right pro-Trump propaganda. Don't let it influence you in any way.

Facts are not propaganda, you may believe that everything you disagree with is propaganda. She has a well-documented history of an being authoritarian right-wing cop

also I believe that was sarcasm and they were agreeing with you.

edit: unless they weren't. I honestly don't know anymore lmao. cause they're right about propaganda but that doesn't mean it's cool to just disregard facts that make you feel less good about doing something. One should take in the whole picture.

I don't bother trying to decipher sarcasm anymore when a majority of the bullshit isn't sarcasm.

Facts are not propaganda

Ben Shapiro ass response.

Selective release of and focus on information is a classic propaganda technique.

It is selective because those are pretty significant issues to be selective about. When she is in a position of authority like she was in California, she is very right-wing. She's very Draconian she's very authoritarian.

When she was VP, she went south of the border to tell civil war refugees to... what? Go back home and die? Absolute fascist freak.