Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome

Sunny' 🌻 to – 463 points –

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Dev containers have been dead for a long time.

Docker is not only about dependency management. It also offers service "composing", via docker compose, and network isolation for each service.

Although I personally love Nix, and I run NixOS on some of my servers, I do not believe it can replace Docker/Podman. Unless you go the NixOS Containers route.

Interfaces,vlans and capable gateway. Except instead of the vendor lock in you have access to the gold standards of which all out scale

I am trying to understand.

Docker, which uses OCI containers that are supported by Docker, Podman, Containerd, systemd-nspawn, etc, is lock-in.

But Nix Shells, which require Nix, are not lock-in.

Also, how are you going to run Nix shells in VLANs? They run on the host's network namespace.