
1 Post – 237 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Microsoft is getting desperate to steal your IP so they can train their AI.

Can someone sue the living shit out of them and start setting precedents please and thanks.

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If you HAVE to use the toilet of an OS. Use a system(machine) startup script that runs a cleanupon every boot. Its a hot mess solution to a hot mess OS. But at the end of the day they cannot be trusted and changes are coming to windows access levels which will prevent the cleanup of “essential” apps, services, and configurations.

So switch to Mint.


Microsoft can only operate as a franchise overseas. You know this thing called trade law in other countries. Contrary to popular American belief, they are not the center of the world

method exists, but the trait bounds were not satisfied

Read the comment and reply to it, you missed the entire point of their comment.

in civilised countries

Love how you cherry picked a bunch of old news not relevant . Its 2024, not 2003.

Development experience in linux is significantly better. Get off the cult and join the overwhelming majority industry which is built on it. Your skills and IP will be better off and protected for it.

If the microsoft product teams can develop on macbooks you bet your arse you can develop for any platform on Linux, and frankly most cloud platform preference opensource. Skill issue.

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Apparently it was wasting time trying to circumvent a product built to steal IP and invade privacy. Every update will reset any customisations and plenty have ignored group policy. Microsoft are implemtning access controls that will also remove the ability to customise as deep as you have been (kernel level protection) so bye bye admin rights.

You want a declarative operating system? NixOS. It will change how you approach templating and the standard environment.

Its config language and structure doco is annoyingly lacking but the community fills the gap with the added benefit of everyone sharing configs. Its also 2024, Linux is vastly different than it used to be. Hell nvidia is stepping up because cloud AIs..

How to spot a honey pot 101

This overglorified snake oil salesman is scared.

Anyone who understands how these models works can see plain as day we have reached peak LLM. Its enshitifying on itself and we are seeing its decline in real time with quality of generated content. Dont believe me? Go follow some senior engineers.

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You didn’t say why. Bit pointless having a discussion about nothing

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How to spot the cult worshipers

Most large opensource models run just fine on 8gb. It’s absolutely nothing new…

So they can train openai on your comments? No thanks. Its done for good IMO.

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EV marketing is also full of misinformation, like net zero.

Its called apathy.

Make everyones vote count (mandatory voting) and all of a sudden it matters

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JavaScript and TS are script languages with little to nothing to do with threading

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Don’t go to the article, it’s click bait garbage

It’s not just the fact they are paid but also they removed part of a quest, paywalled it for a lot and you still need to buy the rest of the quest not out yet!

Better hope staff don’t Microwave their lunch at the wrong time….

This golden parachute is glorious.

He says exiting the building.

Poor functional design and atrocious security practices and culture will do that. Nothing to see here.

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Also in news tonight: Water, it is wet!

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news; we are not going to solve the planet with rampant consumerism

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This is the way

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When the chef blames the customers relentlessly you know they wont be in business long.


Is this

News or

a surprise to anyone.

Malicious actors thank you for your patronage and passwords. Get an app with a browser extension

This screams liability protection, your name change is both logged so they can transfer liability to you.

Reputation slander and damages can get astronomical

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Linus has already responded on his forums, blamed GN, blamed the community and did everything possible to avoid addressing the issue. Too big to change. Too arrogant to admit fault.

Digital advertisement platforms need significantly harder ad regulation. We do it for other mediums, digital should be more regulated considering the reach and revenue.

Apple crying foul when caught abusing IP. Yet when they have it done to them “HITTHEMWITHEVERYTHINGWEHAVE!!!!11!!”

Apple should lobby for relaxation of IP laws.

Good luck with that.

The volume of hackers is getting crazy. Joining games where its bleeding obvious the character that says its level 90 is actually barely double digits, hell ive even seen one leave and then rejoin as a level 13….

Also if they want to try and reduce toxicity they need to introduce a cheer button. DRG got that down pat, bar wouldnt hurt either

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The game loop is god awful. I played through the demo and loved it right until the game loop restarted and I immediately noped out, uninstalled and let my friends know I wouldnt be playing unless it hit the serious discount bin.

It is half a AAA game sadly, so much promise. A AAA Sea of Thieves would have been amazing

  1. Green hydrogen is being produced at scale.
  2. So what, renewables are infinite
  3. That’s overblown
  4. You think the toxic (deadly) lithium thermal runaways that can’t be stopped are somehow better? No. They are worse and a deadly underground carpark disaster waiting to happen.
  5. Not enough lithium in the world to supply the global suv market let alone compete with other markets and let’s not forget that the rest of the transport market…Lithium batteries are yet again another finite mined resource with the same problem as dinosaur juice.
  6. Rail lines won’t be electrified, they are barely being maintained as is!
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Lunch the next day. I fail to see the problem. It’s a massive time saver. You need to join a meal prep community to fully appreciate it! It’s a time and money saver


Nothing comes close to how difficult it is. It takes everything.

Nothing comes close to how amazing it is, and I mean nothing! It’s fantastic, rewarding in so many ways, it even develops your character.

I didn’t know I wanted them.

Sounds like a joke.

Here: you hurt you go hospital. You wait to get fix

No it hasnt.

If you think Russian would nuke “their land” or at best a “bordered neighbour”. You’ve lost the plot. Also the title of their ag industry “lost plots”…

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At least you don’t live in the city with the highest rent prices. Our countries treated housing like and investment scheme which drives up local tax revenue resulting in reduction year in year of new developments (assuming Canada has the same supply Constraints as here) . The reduction is fueled by the tax revenue however also by the increasing amount of investors and owners who vote. They don’t want their asset values to decrease so it’s artificially kept high the value component of the assets left long ago, we are in fictional valuations now.

Regarding food, their is no other way around monopoly or duopoly other than supporting farmers markets. By supporting them they can grow their base and bring down prices. Not sure what else can be done here. It’s a real problem for us here.

Electricity prices are skyrocketing here and that’s squarely landed at the feet of poor renewables planning. Mandatory coal plant shutdowns without having replacement capacity in place is killing people when the elderly & vulnerable can’t afford AC during the heat waves.

dark design or fraud design should be fineable.