What fruit is tasty on a pizza?
What other fruit ( pineapple is wellknown ) would tast good on a pizza? That was the question i asked during lunch at school. The results off that class..
Passionfruit, watermelon and Strawberry were the favorite ones to be tasted.
Bad idee was kiwi, apple and cherrys.
What do you think?
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...tomatoes, olives, peppers, zucchini...
Passive aggressive 'All your veggies are actually fruits' energy here. I love it :)
This has been a regular debate in my household and I'm with you on this.
When tomatoes, olives, capsicum and zucchini are 'fruit' then the definition isn't serving it's purpose for anyone discussing cooking or eating or procuring those things. It's a different meaning of the word that's useful in particularly narrow settings but useless outside of those settings. The only reason people like to repeat the claims of 'technically a fruit' for various vegetables, outside of the context of maybe agriculture or scientific research or horticulture is because it's amusingly counterintuitive and contrarian which is exactly why it should be disregarded.