
0 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Frog Fractions
Universal Paperclips
Freedom Force
Pilotwings 64

...NeXTstep was built on mach and, although i'm unsure if any antecedents remain in macOS, it was certainly production-ready in its day; i remember a couple of decades ago there were stopgap versions of the HURD built on top of mach instead of their own microkernel but i thought that was only ever intended as a temporary workaround...

...i presume on that basis that sustained developer interest was its greatest hurdle, no pun intended...

edit: ...is this the post-mortem you mentioned?..

...so it used to be pretty common in small towns (pre-walmart mainstreet USA) for hardware stores to include a toy department, usually downstairs in the basement, much like how drugstores typically did double-duty as lunch counters...

...the small town where i went to college, though, enjoyed a stereo/mattress/ski shop, and i never wrapped my head around that combination...one of the local grocery stores (pre-hypermarket) also had a full computer department; the most well-appointed amiga retailer i'd ever seen, replete with rendering hardware and video equipment...

  1. Move to Missouri
  2. Marry a bunch of women and get them pregnant
  3. Tell them about each other
  4. Stream the fights on TokTik or something
  5. Profit
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Pew! Pew! Pew!

...i quit shopping brick-and-mortar after target routinely charged more in their stores than online + shipping...

fear leads to anger.
anger leads to hate.
hate leads to fascism, i guess.

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...i think pornhub's leaving money on the table not starting a SFW video platform...

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...that's not an argument; that's just contradiction...

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...howard the duck is my standard-bearer for an unconditionally good movie which gets everything right, but it only rates 14% with critics and 38% with audiences: i'm absolutely convinced that a minority of those ratings are from folks who just didn't get it at the time and the majority are folks who've since dogpiled-on because they believe they're supposed think it's bad...

...it's not-at-all a bad movie; it's solidly entertaining from start to finish, masterfully-produced, and i love it more every time i watch it...

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...in the `states, police can shoot you for any or no reason: we call it at-will liberty...

...cleanest (and cheapest) solution is a passive HDMI-to-DVI cable: the video signals are identical, so it's a trivial conversion...

...i've used this connection (from several different cable manufacturers) on many rigs...

...i relish saying canadia; it rolls so deliciously off the tongue that i can't resist using at every opportunity...

...i play a game gauging the aggregate flow of traffic and modulating my speed to avoid braking as much as possible; usually resolves to steady motion and as a consequence i don't mind the traffic so much...

...do you mean xitter?..

...me, summer of `93, insisting that the world-wide-web would never catch on when we already have gopher: cut to fifteen years later, i'm hanging out with its author on second life of all places, and yeah, that never really caught on, either...

...open platforms matter...

...with the prevalence of clickbaity bottom-feeder news sites out there, i've learned to avoid TFAs and await user summaries instead...

(clicks through)

...yep, seven nine ads plus another pop-over, about 15% of window real estate dedicated to the actual story...

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...print stills from primitive technology into a picture-book...

Take a bath. And get a job.

(but yeah, eleven is awful)

...master system sonic is best sonic...

...the former guy...

"Eight-year olds, Dude."

...i'm surprised pornhub hasn't rolled out an all-ages video site...

...in recent years i've grown comfortable noting that christians are f*cking evil, but in truth that seems to be the case with organised religion in general...

...religion?..i suppose the evil is really in human nature and religion's just a convenient tool to muster it...


...gen Z have rekindled my hopes for a future which were snuffed by the millenial interregnum...

...overtime?..welcome to the world of exempt employees where anything less than 45 hours requires "voluntary" salary deductions...

...HOAs hire management companies; management companies issue citations, collect fines, file liens, and foreclose your property...

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...american; when i learned to stick-and-clutch fourty years ago (driving fifty-year-old used cars) we still called it a standard transmission...

...we like to say that i married my wife because she drove a standard, but when she traded in my last hatchback the manufacturer only offered automatics in the new models; would've been a dealbreaker for me but she liked the car...

...do you ever smell things which nobody else notices?..

...american residential houses are neither expensive nor slow to construct and 3D printed houses aren't significantly cheaper nor faster: what's expensive is land and infrastructure and what's slow is permitting...

...my sister-cousins'll vouch for west west virginia...

...the animated sequel released last week is very good!..easily on-par with an upper-tier episode from its best seasons, and better-produced, to boot...

...sadly, it may as well not exist for all the reaction i've seen posted online; i blame warner brothers' release/pricing strategy...not even the lurker's guide has bothered to update the film information, that's how under-the-radar it's been received...

...well i guess draft messages in outlook can make-do in a pinch...

...i thought his was person, woman, man, camera, TV?..

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...it's a year-round standard flavor in central texas, has been for years...

"The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."

*free to exploit capital