Trump Repeats Debunked Conspiracy Theory Harris Wore Audio Earrings During Debate to politics – 288 points –

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I've read this on the internet so I believe it to be true

Now I've seen someone read that comment out on TV, so therefore it must be true!

Also his rally crowd sizes are very small. Very.

We have small crowds, very small crowds. The smallest of all crowds. Sad.

We used to have huge crowds, I've been there. I've campaigned with them. Huge crowds. We filled the National Mall. Millions of people. You should have seen them. I've spoken to them. Now, they're all gone. Where are they, I don't know. They were huge. Now they're so small. You should see them now. Wow. What a small crowd.

You nailed it to the point that I heard his voice as I read it. Well done.