Linus Torvalds: Speaks on the Rust vs C Linux Divide to – 269 points –
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Linus Torvalds Speaks on the the divide between Rust and C Linux developers an the future Linux. Will things like fragmentation among the open source community hurt the Linux Kernel? We'll listen to the Creator of Linux.

For the full key note, checkout: Keynote: Linus Torvalds in Conversation with Dirk Hohndel

The Register's summary: Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate


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I only have something against the syntax, but nothing against anything else about it, nor is my comment meant as a negative against the language. What I referred to was simply about how that stupid sentence is not a good comment and completely personal opinion. I am sure a lot of programming languages would have gotten the same label at one point in time. And many times they have been superseded by the next big thing.

Fair enough. Personally, I am a developer who only has worked professionally in C#. C/C++ scare me. I would get used to it if I were to use it professionally. on the other hand, I picked up rust as a hobby language for some low level stuff because I love the guardrails the compiler provides. I think rust would help make me a better C programmer TBH.

C isn't too hard if you learn about how memory and pointers work, which seems to be something Rust tries to get away from. So I'm not sure it would make you a better C programmer.