
0 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

The "20 years later" next to it is perfect

C isn't too hard if you learn about how memory and pointers work, which seems to be something Rust tries to get away from. So I'm not sure it would make you a better C programmer.

I only have something against the syntax, but nothing against anything else about it, nor is my comment meant as a negative against the language. What I referred to was simply about how that stupid sentence is not a good comment and completely personal opinion. I am sure a lot of programming languages would have gotten the same label at one point in time. And many times they have been superseded by the next big thing.

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"Good point, we'll ban all of them"

Oracle can suck it

Piece of shit company

Piece of shit owner

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Odysee is actually doing amazing. The interface is great and the speed is even better than Youtube at the moment.

They are however swithing their core structure from one blockchain powered storage model to another one, so at the moment it's a bit guesswork and could possibly turn out very bad. (ArWeave bought them...)

Regarding the far right content on the platform; yes, there is a bit of it, but I have only once come across it, and I was actually browsing some categories relating to politics. So in normal usage, following content creators and checking what Odysee is featuring, you'll not come across them. But even if you do, Odysee's block/mute functionality works better than the one on YouTube.

You are spot on. The CDN simply has authentication functionality. (Or the app generates a temporary CDN URL that you'll use)

Drug dealers and OF girls are good people too.

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You have a name and it's Mr Shill.

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The Philippines is an ally of the US. And I'm sure that if countries start being violent towards the US, those encounters would be shown to the allies of the US, including discussions on what an alliance entails.

Your second point is much better though. But trying to liberate Chinese people within China is much different than wanting to defend an ally.

Plus China is a big bully in the sea there. They literally had the maritime borders they agreed on their official maps, but the last few years they have been redrawing them. It would be the same as Russia deciding their maritime borders are 10 miles from the US shore.

What if the guns got guns

Suuuuuuuuure buddy.

It's to highlight the idea that the law is more important to protect than the people.

I think that the commenter lives in a country with for-profit hospitals. In Europe hospitals get subsidized so they all make good money and aren't driven to pursue profits. Prices are being kept low because of taxes and social health care. There are some for profit hospitals, but not many.

Forks are used by developers to not only "fork an application", but also just to fork the repo, work on their own branches, and push (PR) them back to the main repo. I have forks of many repos, but that doesn't mean "i have forked the application under a new name".

USA politics are truly something to behold.

It's too hard to accurately put into words how it looks from the outside.

The closest would be that it's an absolute joke and the whole world laughs at you.

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Anybody got more info on the actual payload?

powershell.exe -eC [payload_w_base64] is mentioned here.

-eC just means encoded command afaik.

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So did she get charged?

I think their name goes against some consumer laws here in Europe.

Better call themselves ClosedAI

From my experience, most of them are good. They can't really go around fucking people up or they get fucked up themselves. I even know some people that had problems and bought from different dealers, because the dealers wouldn't sell them that much if they only went to them.

Opiod dealers are a different kind, but most of them are opiod users too, so it's hard to judge them. I'm not even sure I still consider opiods to be drugs.

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Germany does try and track these people down and throws them in jail: https://www.vice.com/de/article/erstes-deutsches-swatting-hohe-freiheitsstrafe-fuer-drachenlord-hater/

Yeah, even getting a party 1 seat can be great. They are required to be heard. They can raise issues which the other parties must address.

I set it up earlier and it felt like a highschool project. The AiO bloat, the GUI, lots of little bugs everywhere... The service didn't even stop when I ran i2p stop.

I'm not against it, but I do hope it gets a lot better.

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Even if a streamer is a big target, and the police is aware, they will still go and check it out. It's an inconvenience for everybody involved, but it's still the best way to go about it. The only thing that can really be done is to track the people making the calls, or I think in this case an email? Anyways, in Germany you can get jail time for doing this, and they do try and track them down.

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Cartels is such a buzzword. Most of them just do normal business. And only cocaine comes trough them outside of America.

What is your point exactly? Are you merely expressing that you're not moral yourself for posting here? Are you going around telling people who buy stuff from China that they are all enabling child labor and wage slavery?

Everything can be better, but if you take away something that people like, you kind become responsible for the result. Imagine taking the beer away from somebody enjoying some beer, what's the chance that you'll get your ass kicked? But what happens when a cop takes away the drug of a drug user? Most people just give up, lose their drugs, get fined, and possibly even jailed. It's safe to say that most drug users think your morals are far worse.

I would even say that you are the one enabling an oppressive force, while cartels just leave us the fuck alone.

Some of Putins speeches, albeit in a totally different tone, claim the same stuff as Hitler did in his speeches.

The ISP I'm with allows you to keep the email address indefinitely. But I'm sure there are many ISPs who don't do that.

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That's some NSDAP type of talking right there.

Many ISPs still give an email address.

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The broken ones sometimes work.

The only real bad ones are the Denied ones.

You shouldn't play a game that is Denied anyways because fuck those assholes.

It's 20 meters in normal person units by the way.

If it detects wrongspeak it will tell the authorities.

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Electing judges is stupid. Judges should be neutral and uphold the current laws. It is up to the elected parties / president / groups to make sure all Judges are neutral. If you can vote on Judges that mean they have a political power that has nothing to do with their job.

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I have a friend who moved from the UK to South Korea. He says that drugs is extremely illegal so everybody just gets totally wasted on alcohol there and that that's extremely normalized.

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I had this before, but with 7k emails I think.

I just took an hour or two of my time to clean it up completely.

  • Find an email from a service that you don't want
  • Click "unsubscribe"
  • Search all emails from the service
  • Delete them all
  • Repeat

When clicking "Unsubscribe" and you are redirected to a mailchimp or similar email service, select "I did not sign up for this". This way they can get in trouble with their email service :)

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Most of the countries that were invaded by the Nazis make Hitler jokes except for the Germans.

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"A plant known for opening the mind and making you question things? That's illegal."

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Even though I respect and applaud the move towards Rust, I absolutely hate the syntax and a lot of the logic.

Maybe the person in the video secretly feels the same way.

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It's like governments are trying to get people to listen to them instead of doing their job: listening to what the people want.

Stop making stupid rules and start looking at the causes and work with that. Why do people want 3d printed guns? Well to either protect themselves, do something bad, or for fun because they can. Ok maybe we should look at why the hell do people feel the need to protect themselves instead of letting the police do that? Maybe look at why people do bad things? Hint it's mostly money, which you are taking away from them. Or try and fight people having "fun"? Well you could always take away the fun with even more rules.

The biggest win of the ones in power was to make the concept of anarchy look like chaos. :)

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I got permabanned from Reddit on a post about a Chinese food where they eat centipedes.

I replied: "Yeah the Chinese are pretty weird when it comes to food, look up 'virgin boy eggs'"

When I appealed it I even gave them the wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_boy_egg

Reddit is an absolute joke.

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