US Gov to explore requiring 3d printer manufacturers and software developers to contain controls to prevent users from manufacturing firearms components to – 132 points –
Law enforcement leans on 3D-printer industry to help thwart machine gun conversion devices

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It's like governments are trying to get people to listen to them instead of doing their job: listening to what the people want.

Stop making stupid rules and start looking at the causes and work with that. Why do people want 3d printed guns? Well to either protect themselves, do something bad, or for fun because they can. Ok maybe we should look at why the hell do people feel the need to protect themselves instead of letting the police do that? Maybe look at why people do bad things? Hint it's mostly money, which you are taking away from them. Or try and fight people having "fun"? Well you could always take away the fun with even more rules.

The biggest win of the ones in power was to make the concept of anarchy look like chaos. :)

Worst thing is, with any systemic rule change, the change js not instant. Allowing something like that would wither cause a spike up in crimes, or we'd feel it down the line. On the other hand, banning them doesn't make sense, either.

even if police were perfect plenty of people would still want to do it themselves, as with anything there will be hobbyists. Some hobbies are more legal than others.