Springfield, Ohio faces 2nd day of bomb threats after Trump ‘eating pets’ rant

floofloof@lemmy.ca to News@lemmy.world – 641 points –
Springfield, Ohio faces 2nd day of bomb threats after Trump ‘eating pets’ rant - National | Globalnews.ca

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USA politics are truly something to behold.

It's too hard to accurately put into words how it looks from the outside.

The closest would be that it's an absolute joke and the whole world laughs at you.

I don't know anyone laughing though. I do know a lot of people that look at it and worry. The blatant lying, the calls to violence, the open fascism, cult like following... If this tips the wrong way, the children of the future will be learning about jan6 and what is to come like we learn about the night of the long knifes.

The example Trump is teaching the whole world is that there are no consequences if you just double down and keep saying insane shit while throwing your weight around. And even federal judges will bend for you à

I know a lot of people who laugh at it, but then again, I'm not from the US.

And Trump isn't really teaching the world anything. If he's teaching anything it'll be how the US allows this dumpsterfire.

As people in countries from Brazil to India can tell you- this is not a U.S. problem. It's a right-wing populism problem.

It's like watching a drunk gorilla in a weird dress stumbling around, doing ridiculous things while acting tough.
It would be funny, except you're stuck inside the room with it, it's holding a rocket launcher, and half the people in the room with you are imitating its moves.

It's not funny from where I'm sitting. (On a toilet in New York)

"Problems" are always enhanced by politicians. Look at where you are in life, it's actually quite beautiful compared to what they try to make you believe. It even has toiletpaper.

And you may find yourself in a beautiful bathroom, on a beautiful toilet

And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?

Fair enough. To be honest there is a lot of politics in over countries people in the US laugh about.