Green Party members trash AOC after she calls Jill Stein ‘predatory’

Socialist to politics – -2 points –
Green Party members trash AOC after she calls Jill Stein 'predatory'

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as of June 2007

Nothing like using 17 year old data to prop up your spoiler party!

I simply used wikipedia. Feel free to use your updated stats.

And it's not my "spoiler party." I'm not even voting Green Party. I didn't write the article, friend. I just posted it.

I have no comment on this particular political topic, but posting statistics without a source reference is bad form. Maybe it's not "lying" but it's misleading, intentional or not. Yes, you did post a source in proper context after you were challenged but it ended up making your original comment look worse. That is my opinion looking from the outside.

If you post data, just cross reference it a couple of times to reduce any friction later. Or don't. You do you.

Fair points. I didn't think to post that it was from Wikipedia because I've posted the entire Wikipedia web address before.

I get the "but greens have never run for any other office before!!" comment a LOT. So I just stopped posting the wiki addy and put the stats since people weren't actually looking at the article link. But moving forward, I'll do note it.