What is the best FOSS alarm clock app?

chanteoma@lemmy.ml to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 42 points –

I'm looking for an alarm clock app alternative to the Google Clock, which I use mainly because it allows me to link a Spotify playlist to an alarm. Do you know about any app with similar characteristics? If not, then what is the best alarm clock app you would recommend?


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I hope it's not a Playlist you enjoy the music of. Waking up to good songs sucks the joy right out of them

I want a music playing alarm app that's permanently locked to Sonny and Cher's , "I got you babe".

Respectfully disagree. I've been waking up to Chum Lair from the Sable video game OST for a couple years now. I wake up in a good mood because me and my girlfriend think it's absolutely ridiculous and hilarious.