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Joined 4 months ago

I use Debian and I also was affected by this Windows update. I was able to boot by disabling secure boot. I also found this option that apparently fixes the problem by changing the sbat policy using mokutil. But I haven't tried it out yet. Has anyone got any luck with something else besides disabling secure boot?

1 more...

I would like to give a proper try to a tiling window manager. I would like to try QTile, but I haven't gone through the documentation to understand how to customize it properly. Currently, I use GNOME (and actually, I like it a lot). Also, I love TMUX, and the idea of having the same flexibility and keyboard-centric experience on a broader level makes me think that I will love a tiling window manager when I try it. I'm interested in QTile because I know it's configured in Python (which is a programming language I already know), and apparently, it can be used on either X or Wayland. Have you ever tried using it on Wayland? Does it work properly? Besides QTile, what else would you recommend?

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Thanks! You've all convinced me to try Sway. As soon as I have time to dive into the configuration, I'll give it a shot!