Mozilla is going to shut down their Mastodon instance to – 391 points –

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I would suggest not trusting anything Lunduke says, the man went off the deep end and became a harmful conspiracy theorist.

For example, he believes there is a trans advocacy group going around and destroying open source projects from within. That's right, only the Lunduke Journal has the truth, and the truth is that trans kids are killing open source.

Unless the lawsuit is a fabrication, you are literally dismissing a story just based on who is telling it.

No, I'm trying to reduce the influence of a problematic individual. The lawsuit has, and will have, more coverage.

He used to be on a podcast I listen to (Bad Voltage) and there was an episode (pre-pandemic) where he came out as anti-vaccinations. I didn't listen to the show again until he left. I have zero time for people who think they know better than their children's doctors.