Gurman: First M3 Apple Silicon Macs likely to launch in October to – 28 points –
Gurman: First M3 Apple Silicon Macs likely to launch in October

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I’m excited to see the M3 and what it can do, especially with the rumours from March about the M3’s benchmarks on GeekBench.

According to the [GeekBench 6] test, the M3 performed over 20% faster than both chips [M2 Max and M2 Pro] and scored 3,472 points in the single-core tests and 13,676 points in the multi-core tests. The numbers place the M3 above its predecessor, the M2 Max and M2 Pro [even though the M3 has fewer cores].


Multi core is impressive but man, that single core score. If true it’s going to signal Apple pulling away from the rest of the industry like they did with mobile chips.