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Joined 13 months ago

It’s not hypocrisy it’s worse. It’s really careful pandering to like 100 different crackpot groups to effectively form the garbage pile that is known as the Republican Party

I feel like this is just Reddit asking for the sub to inflate the stock like they did GameStop.

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Obligatory “Check your carbon monoxide detectors”

You know what? Valve gets a pass here. They tried really hard to make Mac gaming a viable thing and it just didn’t work out.

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Plunging into icy waters and getting rescued by by a sauna boat is some top shelf karma shit

Honestly if they’d worked with the Apollo dev and he’d turned around and proposed something reasonable like $2 a month to continue using it I’d still be on Reddit.

Treating Reddit users like shit, treating devs who have made their whole business about making Reddit better like shit, fucking with unpaid mods, and finally, this weird manifest destiny attitude that Reddit will succeed despite all of the above turned me to the Fediverse.

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Good guy Valve appears to be quietly figuring out refunds for folks, even though almost all are above the hours played limit

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Our planet has been through a lot this year, but we have not forgotten what is truly important... the great taste of Charleston Chew!

I’m kinda shocked we’re seeing a major game release where it actually works well day one. They don’t even have to write an apology letter.

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Shit, piss or vomit has graced just about every surface at your public pool and the staff are constantly fighting a losing battle against it. Nothing is washed just power sprayed till it looks clean.

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This feels like a fairly desperate attempt to get Google to pay them something

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I think this is code for “we’re going to make sure the game sucks to own even if it’s good”

I hate to be that guy but he doesn’t measure how much ink is actually in the cartridge in the video. He just cracks one open and complains about the ink soaked foam. He could have at least tried to measure how much ink was in it.

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I feel like the smart move is to find AI tools that are actually good and help your workers be more productive, then use all that extra productivity to smoke your competitors but what do I know I’ve only been in management 15 years now.

I mean it’s kinda amazing that there’s someone looking at a 14th gen Intel CPU sucking back 200+ watts, while it gets spanked by a 7800X3D running at 65 watts, and thinking “AMD is hurting consumers”. That’s some next level shit.

Removing the tamper seal on a bottle of ketchup

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Roku, I already had you blocked at Pihole, but now I’m just straight up turning off your network access.

Author is complaining about the terrible screen and I’m just thinking “that sounds period correct to me”

Can we just call this what it is as likely troll farm activity to sow discord in western society. I’m tired of it now being called out.

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So is No Labels a dark money funded movement to funnel votes away from Biden or Trump?

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Starting to drink really heavily is… well a key bit of information. I lost some friends years back when I got depressed. Didn’t even realize what I was doing, I just became an unfunny dick and thought I was the opposite. Didn’t realize what went wrong till I climbed back out of the depression. Still regret losing them as friends to this day.

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Going to watch to see if I can guess how many drugs they’ll prop up Trump with. I’m going to guess a lot

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So sooo many bots now

I don’t care if it’s true please let’s just leave it dead and not encourage this. I don’t want to buy games wondering if the studio is going to make it 100x better after I’ve already played through the plot. Like, I’m happy CDPR fixed Cyberpunk, I really am, but it should have been good day one.

Epson is a surprisingly good company when it comes to products. I can’t find fault with their projectors or printers.

Finished episode three and it’s good. Credentials: played every Fallout game ever made.

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Can I say I’m a single issue voter on Firefly?

Chill and do some reading. It’s not only opt-in but can be disabled at any time, and it’s opt-in per request. It’ll tell you before anything goes to ChatGPT and even then it’s anonymized.

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I was thinking the collapse of the state, and China picking up some of what’s left.

Gameplay is king, aesthetics just takes it to another level. Valheim kinda looked like shit to me when I first played it, I wasnt a fan of that PS1 look. But the gameplay was excellent, and deep, and I came around to the visuals to the point of actually loving them.

The beauty of a good game is that it can take you somewhere regardless of how it looks. Imagination fills in the gaps and you can feel like you’re there.

Came in to say the same, and I run all sorts of weird shit. Rosetta is so seamless the only way I know it’s an x86 thing is that it takes a while to launch the first time.

Spot on with Twitter having Berlin 1937 vibes

Someone’s probably already working on a mod that adds FSR3 and makes stars explode

Funny I noticed this on New Atlantis and just chalked it up to the devs being lazy

Yeah this is starting to feel like some feudal shit

Worth pointing out there was a global pandemic in the middle of that timeline

Yeah front end is a wasteland

Apple isn’t perfect, but they are a great target to get clicks. I’ve been repairing phones, as a charity for kids in need for years, and they can be annoying to fix but they’re way more straightforward than most Android phones. Parts are usually really cheap and easy to find too.

He should be going after the $300 Android phone that is made to be disposable and is basically unrepairable. I don’t even bother with those anymore.

Stuff like this just makes the good ones leave. You’re left with a hollow core of either shitty engineers willing to put up with it, or people being paid too much to leave.

You haven’t been to car forums