‘I’ve never seen heat this bad. It’s not normal’: Italy struggles as temperature tops 40C 118f

nslatz@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1665 points –
‘I’ve never seen heat this bad. It’s not normal’: Italy struggles as temperature tops 40C

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I think the problem is when you show them the projections people would say "you're just being alarmist, clearly you have an agenda"

So the messaging has been consistently toned down in the hopes people would listen.

They've been warning about water scarcity for decades, I think most people accept it's going to be a thing. Tell them this is going to happen in their country, this decade? Most won't believe you.

Doesn't matter that it's already at the breaking point, and that we have still growing populations that are already rationing water from sources that aren't just down due to drought. There's aquifers that would take centuries to fill back up to where they were decades ago

Scientists told us "your grandchildren will be screwed", then "think of the world you're leaving your children"... Well this generation, they're not saying "you're screwed", because people aren't ready to hear that

People don’t want to have to worry or deal with reality so they simply choose to believe otherwise.

Why do you think we still have rampant religion infecting the world.

the messaging has been consistently toned down in the hopes people would listen.

My guess is its even more than this: deadlines were extended to not let people fall into inaction. The tipping point always close enough so that its dangerous, but still far away enough so that there is still hope. It is a ploy analogous to the fascist "the enemy is strong enough to be dangerous and weak enough to be thoroughly defeated."

This scene is far more realistic, I think. But as you can tell, it doesn't play very well with either the audience or the media.

Imagine being that guy, telling people the same thing scientists have been saying for 100+ years and watching all of them put their hands over their mouths like it's an earth shattering discovery. If only someone had told them repeatedly over the course of multiple generations!

"Who cares?" I feel ya bud.