What is the hardest video game(s) in your opinion, why, and what other games are you comparing against to make this conclusion?

zlatiah@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 83 points –

Forgot what made me think about this topic but I've been considering this for a week or two... Curious what you all think.

When I mean "hardest" "video game", I mean whatever game that you find objectively more difficult than all other ones on the market, as long as it's a video game. I guess exposure to different genres/types of games can influence the answer to this question a lot so... Hence I was curious about your rationale.

I have a pretty solid answer & rationale but I guess I shouldn't share that in the main post to bias results...


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Okay that quickly went from "I think I can do this with some practice" to "what the actual fuck" to me... congrats on clearing the game

I haven't touched classical bullet hell games since high school so... guess I should give them a try!

I've really only played Touhou in middle/high school... Imperishable Night was actually a really formative game for me, loved the OST and played quite a bit out of it. Fairly sure I've cleared this particular one on Easy, might have made to Stage 5/6 on Normal... Definitely didn't clear Scarlet Devil on Normal because my motor skills were terrible back then

I should be able to clear Normal/Hard now that I'm older and more skilled. If I have the patience/time that is...

Edit: apparently I forgot how to do math and got the game release numbers wrong

That's awesome! Loved Imperishable Night too, I played it so much along with Perfect Cherry Blossom and Subterranean Animism. As for Embodiment of Scarlet Devil it's generally considered one of the harder games of the series