Youtube has fully blocked Invidious to – 703 points –
[Bug] "This helps protect our community." · Issue #4734 · iv-org/invidious

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EDIT: For those who are too lazy to click the link, this is what it says


Sad news for everyone. YouTube/Google has patched the latest workaround that we had in order to restore the video playback functionality.

Right now we have no other solutions/fixes. You may be able to get Invidious working on residential IP addresses (like at home) but on datacenter IP addresses Invidious won't work anymore.

If you are interested to install Invidious at home, we remind you that we have a guide for that here:

This is not the death of this project. We will still try to find new solutions, but this might take time, months probably.

I have updated the public instance list in order to reflect on the working public instances: Please don't abuse them since the number is really low.

Feel free to discuss this politely on Matrix or IRC.


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Same. I mostly watch a handful of channels:

  • various TLDR channels
  • Morning Brew - not a fan of the hosts, so I'll catch maybe one/week
  • LegalEagle - anything not about celebs
  • the Friday Checkout
  • NotJustBikes and other city infra-related channels - they don't post often though
  • RealLifeLore
  • Wendover/HalfAsInteresting - the host annoys me a bit, but the content is usually pretty good

There's a ton of nonsense there that I don't like, but now that I found a set of channels I do like, I mostly just look in the "library" tab so I don't have to see the other crap.

Knowing better and Philosophy Tube are both rather good as well. I do miss Casual Criminalist from YouTube, otherwise Nebula has my bases covered.

I think it's a shame that CGP Grey and Philip from Kurzgesagt both bailed early on. I never quite got why, but I guess Nebula for them was just canibalizing their lucrative youtube/patreon business.

I also hate the UI tbh. I want the front page to be my subscriptions. Instead you get a weird horizontal scrolling panel on a secondary tab. I wish I could get an inbox, RSS style, so I could either watch them or skip/mark as watched.

Nebula also suffers from the homepage being cluttered with old videos that are no longer relevant. For example I don't care to watch news and tech videos from 2022.

Yeah, it could certainly be better. However, I did find some interesting old videos from someone who posts infrequently, so there's that.