How is modding Bethesda games on Linux nowadays? to Linux – 28 points –

Years ago I tried modding Fallout New Vegas and I think 4 on Fedora ages (I was running Fedora 28 at the time) ago using Mod Organizer 2 and it wouldn't work for reasons I didn't understand, possibly file system related. I'm thinking of switching to Pop! OS full time but I'd still like to play either modded Skyrim or FO4 from time to time, preferably using MO2.


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I'm currently playing through fallout 4 with mods. the hardest part was figuring out how to install MO2 and make it recognize Fo4 on steam, I followed the guide here:

after that, installing mods are the same as on windows.

Did nexus links work as expected or would I have to manually download the mods then drag them over to MO2?

I seem to remember having to download the mods and put them in MO2 manually.

it seems like it does but I didn't tested, there is a part of the install script that adds a handler for nexus links but I opted to not install that part.

I used the SteamTinkerLaunch for installing MO2, works nicely but couldn't get nmm links to work