More than 700 former military and national security officials endorse Harris, say Trump is 'impulsive and ill-informed' to politics – 697 points –
More than 700 former military and national security officials endorse Harris, say Trump is 'impulsive and ill-informed'

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It's called Accelerationism, and it tends to work out exceptionally poorly for vulnerable groups, and it also has a significant chance to fail.

So, your goal to fight genocide with more genocide seems to have a fatal flaw.

No, accelerationism is just making things worse and hoping that causes revolution.

That's stupid.

Revolutionary defeatism is about building international solidarity towards making the empire lose its engagements. Whenever the US loses, the world wins. They must lose or they are going to kill everyone in Gaza.

If Democrats are that bad, then why can't the international solidarity be built against them? Why must you advocate for the sacrifices of women, minorities, and LGBT people? Because the people of Gaza aren't going to be saved by Republicans, that's for fucking sure.