WinampDesktop/winamp - Licence violates github TOS · Issue #6 to Open – 136 points –
Licence violates github TOS · Issue #6 · WinampDesktop/winamp

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Tying "fork" to "repositories" is nonsense, because software forks have existed longer thsn e.g. git.

How do you define "repository", such that it makes sense? Is it only Git repositories? Any version control system? How about a .zip-file placed on an FTP server?

@sweng Look I don't have that much time to split hairs about inconsequential things. All I'm saying is that if someone says "Don't do ABCD" and you click a button on the same page that says "Do ABCD" then that's clearly the same ABCD they were talking about, no more action necessary, no outside definitions necessary. Have a good day.

The point is, it's not at all clear, because Github has it's own definition of what "fork" means. I'm honestly not sure why it's so hard to grasp.