Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister to World – 187 points –
Israeli strikes on Lebanon causing ‘carnage’ - health minister

Lebanon’s health minister has said what is happening in his country is “carnage”, as hospitals struggle to cope with the number of casualties from two days of widespread Israeli air strikes targeting the armed group Hezbollah.

Dr Firass Abiad told the BBC it was “clear” that many of the 550 people killed in Monday’s attacks were civilians, including children and women.


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Yes, their job is to convince voters. The people who will actually vote. They are not trying to convince nonvoters. Nonvoters don't matter.

How many Harris campaign commercials are playing in Paris? Zero, because Parisians can't vote. Harris isn't trying to court Parisians, and for the exact same reason she isn't courting American nonvoters. You've been written off as irrelevant to this election.

As I said, they don't court my vote so I don't bother

You are making circular arguments now. Sounds like hasbara

The circular part is where you wonder why nobody is doing anything to help Palestinians.

I'll give you a hint: after the election, pollsters will ask people who voted what the most important issues are to them. Since people like you aren't voting, very few voters will answer "helping Palestinians". Politicians will look at those polls and simply maintain the status quo regarding Palestine, since voters have little appetite for change. And the status quo is sending arms to Israel.

Again and again, the left shoots itself in the foot.