Trump says Ukraine is 'demolished' and dismisses its defense against Russia's invasion to politics – 429 points –
Trump says Ukraine is 'demolished' and dismisses its defense against Russia's invasion

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I gave you my exact reasoning. You're certainly not pricing that other fellow wrong here boss.

You are. You can be cynical and an idealist, I'm not sure where you got the idea they're mutually exclusive. It is, they're doing an incredible job for a country that when invaded was not a near peer to the invading country at all and still by the numbers technically aren't. They're idealist because you ignore the unpleasant reality that Ukraine already ceded territory once before and Russia invaded a few years later. They will not stop, they are murdering troops rather than taking pows, they're beheading people on fucking video, they're sledgehammering their own troops to death, surrendering and losing territory just means they can expect it to happen again.

When exactly did I say it was at all morally correct bud? Reality doesn't play morals the right choice is almost never the ideal nor in fact often the most moral, it is simply the best choice. Also no that's realist, but nice try with the bad assumptions.

No I said you show accelerationist behaviors, which you do. It's out of naive idealism but still it's outcome is accelerationist. You aren't an isolationist, you're an idealist.

I've explained it all bud. What part are you confused about specifically and I'll elucidate it for you. You aren't opposing intervention, we aren't intervening. We're a capitalist country with an incredibly large and profitable arms industry, we're making a very good sales pitch and protecting an investment. If we intervened Russias Navy as a whole would be gone for good within 72hrs, ask Iran.

I gave you my exact reasoning

Where?? Where did you even begin to explain this total and absolute nonsense? You can't just claim to have explained it without explaining anything.

The last I dunno, 7 or so comments as I reply to you question by question each time. The fact you're confused about that fact does actually explain some things though.

Cool, the last 7 of my comments contained conclusive proof that you were wrong.

Totally, except for having factual or logical basis in reality.

Are we going to add troll to that list as well just to prove that other guy fully right. You're the type of person that makes people laugh at .ml for being blindly idealist idiots.

>Claims ridiculous nonsense

>Refuses to elaborate

>Claims to have elaborated

>Accuses the other person of being a troll

Good talk. You were always looking to laugh at me no matter what I said or didn't say, that's why you spent the whole conversation trolling and claiming ridiculous nonsense and pretending like you'd defended it when you didn't explain a word of your reasoning the whole time. I don't know whether I ever entertained "Isolationism isn't isolationism" for a moment, you obviously only said it to troll from the start.