Trump says Ukraine is 'demolished' and dismisses its defense against Russia's invasion to politics – 429 points –
Trump says Ukraine is 'demolished' and dismisses its defense against Russia's invasion

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Totally, except for having factual or logical basis in reality.

Are we going to add troll to that list as well just to prove that other guy fully right. You're the type of person that makes people laugh at .ml for being blindly idealist idiots.

>Claims ridiculous nonsense

>Refuses to elaborate

>Claims to have elaborated

>Accuses the other person of being a troll

Good talk. You were always looking to laugh at me no matter what I said or didn't say, that's why you spent the whole conversation trolling and claiming ridiculous nonsense and pretending like you'd defended it when you didn't explain a word of your reasoning the whole time. I don't know whether I ever entertained "Isolationism isn't isolationism" for a moment, you obviously only said it to troll from the start.