There’s no vast conspiracy to prosecute Biden critics. Crimes are just illegal. to politics – 302 points –
There’s no vast conspiracy to prosecute Biden critics. Crimes are just illegal.

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No shit

You say that but the "what about ism" I have heard from friends and family regarding pretty much any allegation of a GOP politician is absolutely bonkers. I don't know how many times I have to say that I don't care what jersey you wear, you should get punished for doing illegal shit. But it honestly just doesn't matter.

We've reached the point where people think absolutely everything is just picking sides. If you want something bad for one side, it's only because you are in the other's pocket. It's just exhausting.

I've seen exceptions, but I'd estimate the great majority of the "team thinkers" are on team maga. It's part and parcel of the victimhood mentality that led them to where they are.