How do you remember people’s names? to – 5 points –

I have an unusual name so when I meet new people my brain focuses on their reaction to my name and how they pronounce it, so I completely zone out when they tell me their name. I might remember it for a short time but almost always I forgot their name if I don’t interact with them frequently.


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Honestly I dont for the most part. It takes many meetings for me and I have to specifically make a point to say their name out loud to them. Ive also found doing a doddle of the person helps me remember the face (but i have some level of face blindness so this may not be necessary)

Yeah, this has caused many awkward moments, especially at work. Saying their name to them out loud is a good idea, I’ll try that!

I worked at my last job for 8 months. When I left there were still four people who I didn't know which was which. I knew what the four names were, because they were on the schedule, but I never worked with those four, so I still have no clue which face goes with which name, lol.