
1 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's only a week old. Give everyone a chance to get their feet under them.

spez should start paying the redditors, especially the mods, with that logic. He gets it all for free and now he wants to profit while we would have to pay.

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It's (almost) never in your best interest to talk to the police. "Anything you say can and will be used against you." Invoke the 5th, then remain silent. You should also know your state's laws about identifying yourself. In my state, you must produce your id when pulled over operating a vehicle, but otherwise you're not required to id yourself. You don't have to let them enter your home without a warrant, either.

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There seems to be a correlation between civility and willingness to put up with spez. If you're willing to put up with all the bs he's been spewing since this started, you're less civil. All the respectful people came here, or are finding other replacements. People who don't care stayed, and it shows.

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I'm literally not tech savvy at all, and I'm here. Lol.

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How does this even happen?

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I like lemmings, lol. It's cute.

You can go make an account on porn instances or whatever for yourself. I have nsfw content blocked, and I blocked the community in question already. I'm not here for porn. There's a million other places you can get your porn.

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No, I've pretty much found it repulsive my entire life.

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I've tried several and I've been here like 5 days, lol. Is there a list somewhere of all the fediverse umm...members? I just kinda jumped in and tried everything at once, but I'm curious what I missed.

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😂 I mean, no judgement, but maybe next time put the pickles you want to eat in a bowl, and leave the jar (and the juice!) in the kitchen.

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With the rapid growth of Lemmy and the fediverse in general, a lot of nsfw stuff isn't getting properly tagged. I don't want to see it. I wish I didn't have to. Saw a giant wang yesterday against my will. So I'd rather it just wasn't allowed, since there are literally a million other ways to get your porn fix. But there aren't a million other active forums for everything else here.

Old Reddit when it was Reddit. Then rif on mobile only.

I'm not going back unless all this is undone and spez is removed, and rif comes back. But even then, but it won't be like before. I'll never participate like I did. I deleted rif on the 11th in anticipation of the shuttering.

Well, rif is shutting down on June 30th, and I won't use the desktop site or Reddit's own app, so I'm just jumping ship now. Deleted my rif app on the 11th, just after 9pm when the first subreddit I subbed to went dark. So now I'm here.

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Naw, man, as long as your contributions are positive, it's a good thing! More interaction will encourage more interaction.

Unless, of course, you're shirking your responsibilities. If that's the case, then get off Lemmy and clean your room!

I'm on Android, and I'm trying liftoff, jerboa, connect, and the Lemmy app. I liked jerboa the best, but I can't say how it's latest update is until world updates its server to 18.1. Really liking Liftoff, but I do use the Lemmy app for certain things that aren't added to the others yet. I'll keep using them all for awhile, until things settle down and the devs have a chance to catch up.

I just showed this to my husband and asked "Is this me?" He started reading it and just kept nodding then says "Pretty much, you never get straight to the point."

Which app?

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I'm on Jerboa right now and not unhappy with it, but if the rif developer gets involved in something else I'd definitely check it out. I used rif for many years.

Right now I'm trialing Jerboa, Connect, Lemmy, and Liftoff. Jerboa is frozen for me until lemmy.world updates to 18.1 but I really like it. I like Liftoff and Connect, too, so I'll keep trying them as they continue to develop and decide down the line which I like best.

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The blackout is over after tonight, so I guess we'll see how things go then. I left because rif is shutting down on the 30th, so I figured I might as well cut the cord now. I deleted the app when the first sub I subbed to went dark, and I haven't looked back. Today is my third full day without it. I haven't been on Lemmy as much, which is definitely a good thing, lol, but I'm really enjoying it so far. The community seems much more conversational and less offensive. I don't get offended easily, but when people do it just for the sake of being offensive, I don't like it, and reddit was full of those people.

I really like it here so far. It doesn't seem too difficult to learn, but I'm just getting started. Checking out the Jerboa app, but I can't figure out how to reply to people replying to me from my inbox. I came to the web version to reply, lol.

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My mom taught me "because you always want more dessert" it has more s's.

I don't know how old you are, but I grew up before the smoking ban. It was pretty common, and I had several relatives who smoked, but neither of my parents did. Smells bad and makes it hard to breathe, so I've always hated it.

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I do love cheese.

I was telling my husband about how someone was managing their working memory issues with planners, apps, etc. And he kinda side-eyed and raised an eyebrow and I said "of course, that would require me keeping up to date with the planners and following through," and he was all uhh-huh, that's what I thought. 🤣😅😭

I don't, and I have the settings set so I don't get nsfw-tagged materials. But I still saw a pornographic image I didn't want to see because not every instance/magazine we're federated with has nsfw tagging rules. I actually haven't gone back to mastodon since that visual assault, lol, because I don't want to see more and they clearly don't have it under control. I blocked the nsfw lemmy instance, but even before that I didn't see anything explicit here. At least have the images hidden or blurred until you click the post.

Time to get rowdy!

I honestly couldn't even tell you how I made my account, which tells me it was super easy, because if it frustrated me I would remember it, lol. I needed my husband's help with a printer issue, and literally all I needed to do was open the settings and select "fit to paper" 😂 and I couldn't figure out how to change the paper thickness on the printer at work to use cardstock. But I've been on Jerboa for a few days now, and while I'm still discovering some features, it's not hard or frustrating, and most everyone in the community is friendly and helpful.

having nutritious and regular meals

This part is hard for me. I am never hungry even I wake up, and I literally can't force myself to eat. I'm get sick. I have a LOT of food issues, though.

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I tried mastodon and got frustrated and came to Lemmy and I love it.

I do often click "use app for five minutes" lol. But often just that pop up where I basically have to give myself permission to be off task is enough to get me back on task.

I'm really liking it, too. I was fairly active commenting on Reddit, was a user for over 15 years, but this feels good.

I don't even know my doctor's name 😅

Amazing! Thank you!

Good point. I was thinking overall, but you're right, Zuck's the social media horse to bet on.

I worked at my last job for 8 months. When I left there were still four people who I didn't know which was which. I knew what the four names were, because they were on the schedule, but I never worked with those four, so I still have no clue which face goes with which name, lol.

I have a digital wellbeing app that allows me to set time limits for each individual app, and I can set work mode to allow whatever apps I want during the work day. When the app is "off" the icon turns gray and you can't open it without telling Digital Wellbeing you need 5 minutes (or turning DW off). This helps me keep my usage down, lol.

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I've been doing it in the Jerboa app.

Edit: I lied, it's not directly from my inbox. NVM. I go to the commenter's comments and go to the context from there. The comment is usually first or second on their list, so it's not hard to find. But yeah, extra steps. I wish I could reply from the inbox in general.

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