As the article is denoted as a comment, it is not its aim to be unbiased journalism.
In contrast to usual articles, comments usually elaborate on the opinion of the jounalist.
I don't know why you're being downvoted. It literally starts with the word OPINION in bold red caps.
My mind was making one transfer to much, as the opinion clip in German TV news is called comment. There were no additional downvotes after I added the second sentence for clarification.
As the article is denoted as a comment, it is not its aim to be unbiased journalism.
In contrast to usual articles, comments usually elaborate on the opinion of the jounalist.
I don't know why you're being downvoted. It literally starts with the word OPINION in bold red caps.
My mind was making one transfer to much, as the opinion clip in German TV news is called comment. There were no additional downvotes after I added the second sentence for clarification.