How do I know if someone has physically accessed my phone? to – 40 points –

Hello ! I hope I'm at the good place. A friend of mine asked me :

How do I know if someone has physically accessed my phone? Knowing that this person knows my unlock code. Also, how do I know I'm not being spied on remotely?

I didn't have the answer and thought I might as well ask there. Thank you.

EDIT : His phone is a Samsung Z Fold 3 is that can help !


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If they have your passcode then no? Why would you give your passcode to someone you don’t trust?

I don't know, I don't have all the details. But people you trust today might not be worthy of trust tomorrow, I guess.

At this point I'd back up your photos, etc, and factory reset the phone. Then use a different passcode. Don't forget to back up MFA credentials so you can get into your Google account after the reset.