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Joined 1 years ago

Linux & Azure cloud engineer. Sometimes a wolf, or a fuzzy dragon.

This is a bad take, and the antithesis of net neutrality.

If the customer pays for a connection, the ISP should be able to provide that. Why does it matter if it’s Twitch or Netflix traffic vs anything else?

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Slowly? This crap has been going on for years.

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It’s as simple as this:

If my ISP charges me for X connection speed, I should be able to use what I paid for. Bandwidth caps make no sense, “internet” is not a resource that has to be generated.

What happened in the pandemic was the first real test displaying very clearly that ISPs are overselling/overprovisioning their network, and hoping we don’t notice that they haven’t actually used the money to upgrade or improve their network.

It’s easy to point the finger at the big bandwidth sources and ask for more money, but it’s wrong and it’s double-dipping. They’re using Twitch and Netflix as the scapegoat for their lack of reinvestment.

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What he really means is “we want our 30% cut”

Every device requires a maintainer, someone who builds Lineage specifically for that device.

On top of that most of these OEMs don’t provide device firmware drivers publicly (camera, modem, speakers, etc), so the maintainer has to either use a generic driver (which typically sucks), or reverse engineer something more suitable.

It’s just a time and effort thing. As with all open source projects it relies on the community to volunteer their time for the benefit of others.

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Should be opt-in, it’s a dumb feature nobody asked for.

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OP is probably referring to allowing side loading.

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For real, if I could block lemmynsfw that would remove 90% of the porn from my feed.

I swear I blocked every community on there but more keep showing up…

“Now buy our games running in an emulator from the online Switch store”

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Why did google kill [product]?

Insert anything from the ever-growing google graveyard.

Or just let us download the actual game/movie/song like the good old days.

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Ah yes because making something illegal stops criminals from using it. Problem solved.

You’re probably thinking about homerf, which was the competitor to WiFi. I don’t think Bluetooth was ever marketed as an alternative to WiFi.

If they have your passcode then no? Why would you give your passcode to someone you don’t trust?

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SMS doesn’t support encryption, nor is Apple preventing you from downloading any number of encrypted chat apps that work cross platform.

If google didn’t release a new chat app every 6 months we might have a more widespread standard in the US already - and yes RCS is coming to the iPhone next year.

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Imagine paying $1000 for a computer you don’t fully own.

iOS is a majority share, but not by much.

My opinion here might upset some fanboys:

Android is in a sad state right now with only a few big OEMs pushing into the market, and the fragmentation is what’s killing it. The average person doesn’t care about customizing or having a micro SD slot, they just want to text and browse TikTok - so they choose a phone that’s simple and works without headache for years.

On the android side you have really only Samsung, Motorola, and sorta google. Motorola covers a lot of the budget android market, but it’s cheap disposable phones. Samsung covers the whole range, but then you buy into the bloatware and duplicate apps. Then you have google sitting in the corner eating glue, consistently releasing phones with hot SoCs, bad reception, and botched software updates.

For the average person the iPhone makes complete sense as Apple only releases a few phones a year, and for a while now every single one has been relatively issue-free. Customers feel confident that the newest iPhone will be a similar experience, copy all their data over in 5 minutes, and work well for years to come.

So really I wouldn’t say it’s a case of “profitability”, moreso lacking compelling feature to draw in new customers, while continuing to bleed customers to the iPhone because the average person doesn’t want to be bothered with complicated features that aren’t consistent across android OEMs. We’ve seen a lot of Android OEMs leave the US market because of these reasons.

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So click the regular copy button instead?

Same here. Not sure why but being told all my domains were being sold to squarespace really pushed me over as well.

Your local animal shelter.


In HAM radio, encryption is forbidden, which would be the most equivalent to police radio.

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I’m not aware of any carriers in the US that still support CDMA. Verizon and Sprint were the big two, and neither supports CDMA anymore.

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You’ve been able to download files since like iOS 5. You’re just being obtuse at this point.

Except several (non M1 iPads) have USB 3.1 already….

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Encryption extension on RCS is a non-standard addon to RCS which is not part of the standard. RCS on Android in general is also run through google servers and Jibe, and isn’t exactly an open standard to begin with.

Apple isn’t preventing cross platform encryption at all, every popular messenger (even Signal) is available in the App Store.

Going to get downvoted for this, but it’s a private platform where free speech laws don’t apply.

Not to mention the channel owner already had the ability to delete any comment they wanted.

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There’s a toggle to turn off iMessage, and the phone asks you when you set it up if you want to use iMessage or not.

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The quest already runs android, so in theory all the support is already there for Vulkan and OpenGL since it runs a regular-ish Snapdragon phone SoC.

So, exactly the same as windows.

Can you even order windows on a CD anymore?

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Nothing has really changed though, you could already delete comments to make the comment section look however you want.

I’d say the 865 was the last “good” Qualcomm chip before the 8 gen 1 broke everything. It can be found in the Galaxy S/Note 20 generation.

Pretty much any soc made by samsung is hot and slow. The return to TSMC with the 8+ gen 1 we saw the thermal improvements.

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Sony Xperia works fine on Verizon and is even whitelisted for VoLTE.

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Can confirm here, am on Verizon and they 100% support fully-GSM devices assuming the LTE bands line up.

(I’ve had Oneplus 6T, 7T, and Sony Xperia 5 ii on Verizon, all of which are not CDMA compatible)

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Getting downvoted, I definitely remember stores burning and people fearing for their lives. Absolutely the few do not represent the views of the overall movement, but I definitely wouldn’t say it’s unfair to watch the extremists in any situation.

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Just FYI Sony Xperias have call screening as well as headphone jacks.

Did you even read my comment?

Several NON-M1 iPads have USB 3.1. Even the iPad mini on the A15 supports usb 3.1.

Who is going to pay Dell, HP, Acer, etc to install Linux?

Just because MS can throw billions at these OEMs doesn’t make that “Linux’s burden”.

See also Dell & Lenovo sell laptops with Ubuntu.

Noticed this as well, I keep seeing the same topics and articles posted 4-6 times within a day or so. Getting annoying.

Geez downvoted for an opinion.

Sony has good hardware but it does come with Facebook, OneDrive, LinkedIn, Call of Duty, and a few more. It absolutely has bloatware.

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