System76 or Framework laptop? to – 319 points –

Look, we know System76 laptops are based as fuck. I mean, Coreboot, Open source firmware, PopOS, and a fucking open source mobo in the works, just so fucking based.

But man, these framework laptops look cool too. Completely modular and easy to work on. Looks like the company has proved it isn't going to go under anytime soon.

I'm debating what to get once I feel like upgrading from the trusty ol ThinkPad. What would you buy?


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Another option you may or may not be aware of is Tuxedo Computers which seem to be a more premium option. I have no experience with them but they look pretty sweet.

I own a Tuxedo notebook as well as a Tuxedo desktop PC. I can confirm they are of great quality.

System76 are rebranded tuxedos

I own one (from tuxedo) and can say it is a bomb. Pretty spec'd out from 5 years ago still working great

It is the bomb, or a bomb? In the latter case, I'm sure homeland security would be getting pretty antsy.

I have bought 2 tuxedos and they were okay.

One time they shipped a device where the trackpad did not work. Well, not on Linux at least. Their excuse: The hardware manufacturer chose a newer model not yet supported.

They were helpful and provided a new firmware a few days later, which did solve the issue, but out-of-the-box experience was not exciting.

I'm still using this machine, however.

Both this and a model I bought earlier felt cheaper than the price point. Maybe it is not fair; maybe it's not that important, but at 1000€+ I have some expection on build quantity and loooks.

Those are small things, sure, but they are not perfect, yet.

Thanks for the insight, I’ve been looking at replacing an aging thinkpad that I use to tinker with linux on but not much else on. I keep fluctuating between getting their one of their most basic models and using it as a tinkering machine or completely maxing the specs and using it as my primary machine and fully switching to desktop Linux.

Your insight has made this decision harder so… thanks? Haha!