
3 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Free in FOSS means free as in freedom not free as in beer.

At around 10pm one night I realized I’d forgotten to walk the dog and should probably do so before going to bed. As I step out onto the street I notice a woman leaning against a car with a weird look on her face, like a grimace. It’s a big city and I’ve seen lots of weird people around here so I don’t think much of it and start walking away when I hear her whimper. I turn around and ask her if she’s ok and she assures me she’s fine, her “husband is coming”. At this point I notice she’s heavily pregnant and there’s also a toddler in her car, but she insists she’s fine so I start walking away again.

I get 20 or 30 paces down the street and the woman lets out this blood-curdling howl. I run back to her and ask her what’s going on and she just says “I need to sit down”. I lead her to the steps outside my apartment building where she sits down and I fetch her a glass of water and put the dog back inside. I’ll always regret not inviting her in to my place for what comes next but I’ve been jaded by so many con-artists and burglars trying to get into my building that I didn’t feel like it was an option.

She starts breathing super heavily and stops responding to me completely. Like I’m not even there. I’m freaking out and her husband is nowhere in sight. I have no idea what to do so I rush into the hotel next door to find a “real adult” (I was early 20s) and come out with a few other 20-somethings that “knew first aid”. We immediately call an ambulance.

The ambulance guys tell me they’ll be here in 5mins but to go and get towels just in-case she’s about to give birth. I run in and get all my towels. As I come out the woman gets off the step and kneels on all fours in the middle of the sidewalk. I place towels all around her on the floor and she screams in pain. By this point a small crowd has gathered to see what all the fuss is about and some dude tries to convince her to get on her back and starts pulling her around. She fucking screams at him to stop and he backs off. She then drops her leggings down to her knees and screams “CATCH THE BABY” at which point me and one of the guys from the hotel reach down and see a newborn baby dangling in her leggings. Ambulance guys are still on the phone and tell us to wrap the baby in clean towels and, I kid you not, not even 30 seconds later the ambulance and husband both arrive.

Apparently they had rented a place a few doors down from me for the birth but there was a problem with the keys or something. The husband thanks us and they all go into the ambulance. I’m in shock and the only thing I can think is that I need to clean all this blood and poop off the sidewalk so I clean it all off. The guys from the hotel crack open a bottle of wine and we all just stand around in shock at what just happened.

So that’s the story of how I delivered a baby on the street outside my apartment. I can’t watch any birth scenes on TV or movies anymore either because of what I think is probably mild PTSD and it makes me feel instantly sick to my stomach and panicked.

TLDR: delivered a stranger’s baby on the street outside my apartment with zero prior experience

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Wtf walk there right now you nutter

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This isn’t that though. Running a federated service instance is more akin to them having to abide by the rule of the people than the status quo where Musk or Zuck could boot them from their platform or hide anything they don’t like without any reason at all.

In the fediverse, they’re choosing to run a self-hosted outlet that can interact with other privately or publicly run services. It’s like them choosing to run their own email servers instead of their officials all using gmail accounts.

The free market solutions have just led to unelected billionaire oligarchs controlling the narrative. With this federated stuff, no single entity can control the narrative (once all the kinks are ironed out like vote manipulation, exploits, etc)

No they ditched OSX and yearly point updates in 2020 and went from Mac OSX 10.15.7 to MacOS 11.0

The next yearly release was MacOS 12.

It's now up to 14.2.1

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Yeah a lot of pro audio discussion still happens on gearspace (formerly gearslutz), KVR, dogsonacid, etc

I joined Lemmy 3 years ago and my cake day is in... wait for it... June like the rest of you!

I’m cracking up at this sentence

I was going to say I had the polar opposite experience until your last paragraph.

Lecturers were very rarely excited about the material they taught, left as soon as they could and were far more concerned with their research than helping students.

That was EE so probably a mix of weed-out and the fact that they were all socially awkward mega nerds.

“R is the most menacing of sounds, that’s why they call it murder and not mukduk”

  • Dwight K. Schrute

This is a cool bot! Thanks dev!

I’m very glad I haven’t witnessed any extreme violence because my reaction to a birth, something completely natural, was pretty brutal!

I also fainted when we had to dissect a mouse at school so I’m definitely cut out for gore/blood/guts or dealing with any medical emergencies!

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That's good to hear, I've got very little idea of how the fediverse works nor how moderation works on these types of sites so thanks for clarifying. I had a look to see if c/the_donald existed and although it seems to, I could see the following:

Make America Great Again removed by mod

No Posts.

Does that mean the community has been removed by a mod then or something else?

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Wouldn’t go for a full ARM64 system (yet anyway). Too many software incompatibilities. You can pick up the lenovo m-series tiny machines used for dirt cheap and have full x86 compatibility and way faster specs + expandable storage/ram for (m93p tiny, m700, m720 etc). They’re a little bigger than a rpi and use a bit more power but it will save a ton of headaches.

Making the switch to any linux distro is a big jump already, you don’t want to create unnecessary problems.

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Estimates put out after research by Public Health England suggest that vaping is 95% better for you than smoking. So unless you’re vaping 20x more than you were smoking you’re probably benefitting.

Another option you may or may not be aware of is Tuxedo Computers which seem to be a more premium option. I have no experience with them but they look pretty sweet.

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Probably just wanted a higher number than windows or didn’t want to get leapfrogged. Also makes more sense with iOS having a similar schedule.

Super interesting! I watched an explainer last night about a theory that consciousness arises from space-time collapse quantum wave functions in microtubules.

The vast majority went straight over my head but the host stated that the theory was seen as completely insane by their peers and just recently it’s gaining credibility because of some new research in the past few weeks.

Any thoughts on this?

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That's an iOS device, can't do that

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You are indeed resurrecting a 3 year old post haha!

Glad to see so many of you here now though!

This is the youtube video I watched. Here's a link to the recent paper.

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I’m getting the exact same shit on shorts constantly. Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Piers Morgan, some kid explaining why women should stay in the kitchen, another guy screaming that trans people don’t exist, some imam thinking he’s making people look stupid for not believing in god, etc

I’m not sure if I’m impressed in my ad/content blocking and general internet hygiene that google/youtube knows me so badly or worried that so many people, particularly young/impressionable people, who may not have such strongly opposed views to that hateful crap, are getting brainwashed and radicalized into having extreme conservative views.

Cmd = super (Windows key on most keyboards)

Option = alt

Native-Instruments devs have komplete kontrol, kontakt, traktor, reaktor

What’s your reasoning for this?

Anything better than using a vlan to separate these types of devices from the rest of the network?

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I regularly wear a kilt at formal events. They are made of several layers of thick wool and if you don’t wear knee-high thick woollen socks you look like an idiot.

I assure you they’re not as breezy as you’d think!

Thanks man, it’s one of those memories that pops up every now and again where you cringe at the thought of the many things you could have done better.

I suppose I’m not cringing as hard as the parents though!

The submersible that crumpled and killed all passengers by the Titanic.

You might be interested in pockettube. Not quite what you asked for but it does allow you to make groups of subscriptions and display those in a grid layout.


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You can also switch the theme to base16 to use your term colours

Yep that's the theory but the recent paper is this one. This is the youtube video I watched.

Care to share the name of the extension? I feel like I should probably use this!

Thanks for the insight, I’ve been looking at replacing an aging thinkpad that I use to tinker with linux on but not much else on. I keep fluctuating between getting their one of their most basic models and using it as a tinkering machine or completely maxing the specs and using it as my primary machine and fully switching to desktop Linux.

Your insight has made this decision harder so… thanks? Haha!

My house would not change, it would just become Kevin’s house. I’d be back in with my parents.

That combined with the servarr docker containers beats any streaming service hands down

There are tools like sshfs that let you mount remote directories as if they're local. Most of the time I tend to use nnn with some of the little extra bits you can find in the docs like cd to last directory on quit and multi-colored tabs etc.

It is yet another Chromium based browser but for when Chromium is needed for compatibility reasons, it’s got some pretty cool features like split panes and mobile sites as a sidebar etc.

Firefox always number 1 though.

Completely misses the point that the moderators rely on these third party tools to moderate for free and that reddit will turn into a cesspool of spam without them.

You may be confusing pull requests with feature requests. A pull request is when somebody has written some code/functionality/fixes and is asking the maintainers of the project to include (pull) said code in the main branch of the project’s repository for everyone to be able to use.

i.e. if you want a new feature, you make it or convince someone to make it for you