What are some quality YouTube channels that you recommend?

ecoboy@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 309 points –

Kind of tired watching trash from YT.

Edit: Thanks for all the replies. It's good to see that there are still gems in YouTube.


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When it comes to food, stay away from non-professional channels like Tasty or even websites like Allrecipes.com. The recipes may turn out to be disasters - pro sources always test and retest their recipes.

I can recommend these food channels:

Thai cooking by a Thai https://www.youtube.com/@PailinsKitchen
Soul food by Momma Cherri https://www.youtube.com/@MommaCherri
EZ Asian cooking https://www.youtube.com/@adamliaw
Italian https://www.youtube.com/@NOTANOTHERCOOKINGSHOW
Keto recipes https://www.youtube.com/@KetoConnect
Baking https://www.youtube.com/@BrianLagerstrom
Food Lab https://www.youtube.com/@JKenjiLopezAlt/videos
Ethan Chlebowski https://www.youtube.com/@EthanChlebowski/videos

I would recomment to you Maangchi. I love her Korean recipes and she is so funny and cute.

French Cooking Academy: youtube | invidious

Alex - he now focuses on series, where he explores how to make something by talking to experts and then experimenting. Some of my favourites are the fried rice and the pasta series. Does not focus on recipes though his earlier content did. youtube | invidious