Android rule to – 1839 points –

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Please someone tell me why androids filesystem structure is so damn confusing, I've wondered this forever but have never looked it up

I have spent weeks setting up LineageOs for my unsupported phone and I think I understood it.

  • So /storage/emulated/0 is practically your home directory, all folders you can easily change are there.
  • I don’t understand these memes, everything gets saved to /Downloads. The default file explorer is just crap. I use amaze
  • the only really weird directory is the camera, it is saved in DCIM
  • If you care about app specific app data go to /Android/data (for me its like the .config directory)

I'm just guessing here, but if I recall correctly, android was started as an OS for digital cameras. So saving camera files to DCIM (Digital Camera Images) makes sense as that is standard to most other cameras

It's been turbo janky for ages... It really does need to be sorted out.