0 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Outspoken non-conformist feminist conforms and converts to Islam, declaring all other religions worldwide, wrong and invalid. Could almost be an Onion article title.

16 more...

Lol I love these articles always "calling for resignation" of Congress people. Mitch will resign when he's dead and not a moment sooner, this slimy piece of shit has more power than the president and he has the position for life. And he's evil enough to wield it very effectively. He'll never give it up.

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Now's the time to advertise it in a thread that has a lot of eyes.

I can appreciate the spirit of this post, but it's a perspective only a teenager could hold.

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They're allowed to watch Barbie in China? How censored is it?

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Please just let me go to my local CVS and get this. I've considered trying to trick a vet into giving me the one they give dogs (that was originally developed and used for humans but taken off the market for total bullshit reasons) but easier said than done.

What country? Sounds like a kangaroo court or a court staffed entirely by old people.

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Kind of crazy how unsympathetic people are being towards Tor and Tor operators here

Is getting hugged to death? Link don't work

Lol reddit search has always been almost entirely worthless. I know search can be hard, but it has to be by design.

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Absolutely glorious, I'm actually proud of those poor sad bastards

This motherfucker can't stop making the worst goddamn decisions. PragerU is a blatant propaganda machine, even I think when viewed from a moderate conservative slant.

This should be a felony


is largely plain text

Lol maybe do the barest amount of researching before commenting on something you know nothing about?

There were weekend ddos attacks?

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There are a few threads I've seen happen -- and instigated -- where I was overwhelmingly downvoted by tankies yelling at me about "anglo/western fascism" and denying the uighur genocide. They defend the Chinese government with a fervor that easily marks them as tankies. It's a real problem.

Do what others are doing in this thread, gift them to a comment promoting Lemmy in the thread and elsewhere

I too would like to know this and am too lazy to look at the source code. Maybe tomorrow.

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Power mods about to be consolidating their power

Please someone tell me why androids filesystem structure is so damn confusing, I've wondered this forever but have never looked it up

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I wish he had written why he's so anti-container/docker. That's a pretty unusual stance I haven't been exposed to yet.

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Those onion layers don't add up to nothing.. also I've heard it's under constant attack. Plus not enough people running relays and exit nodes.

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Can we just emulate the rules that the torrenting subreddits use? They still exist after years.

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That's.. not what is happening here.

You were able to post on there at all? Don't they have extremely high barriers to entry for even question comments?

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Yeah it's called curl lol

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For example, many people consider homeless or unemployed people barely anything more than “parasites” or “leeches” because they supposedly don’t uphold their part in the social contract

Just gonna hit back on this and say most people probably consider the total utter degeneracy and petty/violent crimes they witness the local homeless population commiting as them not upholding the social contract. Here in my city they're shitting on a busy sidewalk in broad daylight, or blatantly stealing packages or openly assaulting women. Endlessly harassing people on our public transit and making it a nightmare to use.

I made that sound bad, I'm sure there's plenty that likely aren't acting this way. I'm sure I'm only seeing the worst of the worst. Their lives have undoubtedly been rough and I can only imagine what happened to them as a child to lead them to where they are as an adult. They're regularly looked down upon and we gutted our mental health institutions long ago. Heroin and fentanyl are omnipresent.

But to imply that most people view them as not upholding the contract because they don't have a job is probably incorrect. We're at a time where empathy is at its highest concerning systemic/collective issues. But if we're not careful this also leads us to ignore and excuse away individuals who are blatantly in the wrong and have the least empathy towards others because we've blinded ourselves to be unable to see the trees in the forest. Just because your life sucks doesn't mean it's okay for you to abuse others to make yourself feel better.

Not sure if I'm misunderstanding your comment but.. it's an IPO, they're going from private to public. Twitter was the opposite, which is unusual. Right now Steve Huffman is the musk of reddit.

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Don't forget to mention paid reddit employees like /u/chtorr can bypass the limit and just place pixels as fast as they want to censor wrong think

That single tool is still propped up by that collective decade of knowledge. ChatGPT would be nothing without sites like stackoverflow

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Cloud flare's business is protecting small websites as well as large across the world from DDOS attacks. You don't think there's a tier somewhere between "free" and "enterprise 20k base"? DDOS mitigation techniques have gotten pretty advanced and are no longer the sole domain of large companies.

Report them? Why? How else is a community supposed to get started? It needs probably only a handful of type A people posting stuff regularly and then that brings the crowd.

I agree it's not a great look because we're in the established age of the internet.. but what else is there to do?

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Corporatacracy here we come

Why would they? They're a private company, the government has absolutely zero business interfering in a labor dispute with private companies, unless of course they want to acknowledge that they do have power over private businesses like these to regulate them. In which case they should fucking nationalize them and throw the execute board in jail.

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God I can only imagine the smell of 100s of unwashed fursuits and basement nerds crammed into the plane.

I've talked to several network engineers over the years about IPv6, engineers that work as hands on with actual production infrastructure as you can get. And they all said that IPv6 would likely never be fully adopted.

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Yes. It seems to be a propaganda echo chamber they've placed themselves in where they wholesale distrust any western/European media and 100% trust all Chinese/Russian state media. They full on defend Russia and China as a core part of their political ideology.

Or approximately 2400 cheeseburgers for the Americans in the audience.

Heh, digging. I see what you did there

The language this guy is wielding is cringe as hell, has LinkedIn energy all over it.