Any other former redditors feeling grief? to Reddit – 4 points –

I have been joking to a couple of friends today who were also redditors that I've been feeling withdrawals from reddit throughout the day. Like I knew I was addicted, I just never thought I was going to have to face the consequences of withdrawals!

But there's also a major part of me that's feeling a sense of loss. I had two reddit accounts that were 11+ years old. I used an app called Redact last night to totally expunge my comment and submission history, and I just was hit by so many emotions watching my old content turn to ashes.

Reddit is where I always spent my depression spirals, but it was also where I found hobbyist communities and group help support. I found sexual partners through reddit, and used to even moderate in my early days. It's where I used to keep up with a TON of current events but also read from so many diverse perspectives with expertise on topics.

As much as I am tentatively excited for the culture and community we can build on kbin, I truly am feeling the inconsequential reality of all that karma and browsing. Reddit felt like it was going to be immortal, but even the mighty fall.

Anyone else bummed??


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Meh. I used reddit since about a year after its launch. I noticed the last two days my thumb reaching for the reddit app on my home screen. But then I pause, remember I deleted rif, and just log into kbin and try to be active. Right now sorting by new has been amazing. Lots of new magazines (shout out to the one I made tvsuggestions).

I think you can get the reddit dopamine hit by being active on kbin. Investigate! Explore the site! Make a zine!

The plus side is I'm using it way less than reddit while simultaneously being way more active on the medium. Win win

I've found myself doing the same. I've instinctively opened Apollo about 6 times yesterday and each time I've force quit the app immediately.

I can't bring myself to delete it just yet. @christianselig made one of the best R*ddit apps and in a way this whole protest has been a great way to break away from my addiction.