7 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Compared to me a pulsar is a lighter's flame
Compared to mine their wicca is a mere child's game

Idk I'm happy I'm off reddit. I use kbin, but significantly less. Less mindless scrolling

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Russian and Chinese authoritarianism is bad. America incarcerates more people than both. A French cop shooting a 17 year old during a traffic stop is probably also not a useful use of state force. I could be wrong, but I hope this answers your question.

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Hey let's not kink shame, he's an asshole for other reasons

RiF kbin native fediverse app or an analog with a few added fedi features would be pretty tight

Yeah I think reframing my time and refocusing on "me" things might help.

That was such a good YouTube channel

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I've always been extremely extroverted for the most part, and I'll say you're right. I have a good 4-5 friends that I talk to every single day about all sorts of things, including my loneliness. It's good. Guys and girls. Different perspectives.

It's the exact futility of shooting something immaterial that explains the idiom

I literally had this book

You are loved and respected from this man. No questions ever.

Hi from kbin. I run what we call a magazine or zine if you're from the early 90s. Mine is found at It's obviously for people to recommend or ask for suggestions about television or streaming episodic media. E.g. You can say "I'm looking for urban fantasy from before 9/11". And someone might say Buffy. Anyway. Join it and let's all love one the most pervasive and greatest mediums of art: television.

Let's goooooooo

No. I haven't. I wouldn't even know how to go about looking for it....which I'm totally saying how do I look for it

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Honestly if you made this troll account a little more satirical in the sense of pointing to his actual federally incriminating behavior in the contexts of your posts it would be hilarious and I'd love to see it pop up randomly

Eat more green food

BT - This Binary Universe
Squarepusher - Hello Everything

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This is honestly funny anyway I'm gonna go listen to run the jewels

So did Anthony Kedis

Working kbin link?

Holy shit I haven't played pixel dungeon in so fucking long. Did they ever add more plot or is it still hack and slash madness? I'm down af either way

Fuck that's dope but I use Samsung Internet on my phone. They seem to have good privacy features. Maybe I should try Mozilla again?

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That's pretty deep conspiracy level stuff

No, it's not that. The kbin site itself loads, and says the magazine doesn't exist. Also they've upgraded servers and aren't running cloud flair's protection anymore

Not sure if this is the exact answer, but say you have a kbin user and a lemmy "magazine" or whatever they call them there. Once the kbin person joins the lemmy thing it automatically federated. However, it does not "back populate" the kbin. Kbin will only see new posts going forward after the federation.

Annoying that it has to be based on how the other user writes it. Hopefully an app can keep everything "in universe" to kbin

Found Zuckerberg's account

We should have the ability to manage what of our data goes out to the internet/advertisers/scrapers/other users. Non negotiable.

Fascinating. The article seems a little scant on a deep dive. Feels weird a conservative supermajority in the supreme court would vote this way. Can anyone shed light on that?

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This feels like something an AI would post to test the waters lol

It's been a conversation lately on I imagine our administrator will address it. He's been pretty on top of things

College football subreddit on game day was amazing. Gonna miss that

As a native Floridian please no. There are some of us still fighting here. And with the recent immigration stuff there's a chance Florida will lean a little more blue this next election. I hate it though, my job is pretty inextricably tied to Florida, so it's a bummer since I'm super progressive.

Wow that sensation of enjoying yourself in a moment and just taking it for a moment of your own happiness and not that you need to give it to anyone else is REALLY validating. Thank you for that. I needed to read that.


We barely understand how other humans feel. I'd venture to say it's pretty profound to really make that connection. Usually it's in retrospect when you can see how someone really felt or what they meant in a moment. Then we're talking about other animals? Who fucking knows man. Pandimensonial shades of the color blue

Point 1 is paramount. 5 is important also from a tech standpoint. The rest are very good points.

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Benefits over discord? I use discord to video chat with my out of town buddies. That's about it. What are some reasons I should switch? This isn't a loaded question btw, I've been a fan of FOSS and a free and open internet since I was a kid in the 90s. Grew up on anarchist punk and all. I'm just asking because I gotta convince the suits it's better.

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Did block. Still annoying. What is the kbin solution for obvious spam bots? If say the instance gets overran you can't block a thousand accounts and still use the medium effectively. There has to be some sort of back end oversight on this

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Meh. I used reddit since about a year after its launch. I noticed the last two days my thumb reaching for the reddit app on my home screen. But then I pause, remember I deleted rif, and just log into kbin and try to be active. Right now sorting by new has been amazing. Lots of new magazines (shout out to the one I made tvsuggestions).

I think you can get the reddit dopamine hit by being active on kbin. Investigate! Explore the site! Make a zine!

The plus side is I'm using it way less than reddit while simultaneously being way more active on the medium. Win win

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Wait why is nordvpn a privacy nightmare?