Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds to World – 681 points –
Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, study finds

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I had some info (meat = strength), got new info (vegan = few champions, mostly speed/endurance). Pointing out that with the small amount of vegan athletes there is, they still make it to the top. But they are not vegans since birth. I did say I was thinking out loud. Apparently that's a sin for some people.

The issue is that’s not info, those are assumptions.

No sin, in thinking out loud. But what you’re saying easily falls apart if you think about it even a little bit.

Yeah, history is not info. And of course the "no, your are wrong" irrefutable argument.

Meat = strength is not a fact, or “info”, or history. Also saying vegans are all endurance athletes. That’s an assumption. Both are assumptions.

Ok. I'm going to leave here. Thanks for voicing your opinions.