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It’s not the “fault” of amoral individuals, no. This is simply the system working as intended. A system where capital translates to political power will inevitably lead to capital accumulation. Corporations are only for generating more capital and more profits to their owners. Profits they can turn into more capital elsewhere.

It’s silly to expect a “good” version of this where the people at the top… don’t put their interests first? Like why would they ever do that? If someone at the top doesn’t fight for profit like a shark, they will lose their spot and risk becoming a worker, or dooming their family and future generations to become workers.

These people are just doing what’s best for them. And everybody around says “hey! that’s bad, you should put aside your self interest for our self interest!”.

Bro the problem is THE SYSTEM. As long as we have this system, we will always have the same people in power, the same problems, and the planet will die in 50 years. You can fight reality all you want, but that’s where we’re at.

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Bro the big oil corporations spent decades at the beginning of the 20th century creating and forcing the demand and dependency on oil. Watch “How Big Oil Conquered the World” from James Corbett.

It’s not like WE chose this to be the way things are. The people who control industry, and marketing, and media and THE GOVERNMENT, all MADE us and it all this way.

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The people in the boards of directors, the major investors, people who run large investment funds etc. are the same or very close to the owners of commercial real estate.

They don’t want to fuck themselves.

Also many times corporate rent is used as money laundering, to hide profits etc. Like the building is owned by company A, which is incorporated in the Virgin Islands, but is actually owned by the same group that owns company B that rents the building. So they pay money to themselves. So company B is not profitable and doesn’t have to pay taxes. Presto pronto.

Just a very obvious manoeuvre, there are certainly many more.

Yes… but also at the same time, the vast majority of people with bipolar or other mental health issues are not raging anti-semites.

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You know what would solve this? We all collectively agree this fucking tech is too important to be in the hands of a few billionaires, start an actual public free open source fully funded and supported version of it, and use it to fairly compensate every human being on Earth according to what they contribute, in general?

Why the fuck are we still allowing a handful of people to control things like this??

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Only WhatsApp because of my family. Not much of a choice there…

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The Animatrix shows that the robots keep humans alive likely because they like us, and feel bad about what happened. They want us to keep living, as their creators and “parents”, but understand that if we were free to be all awake and understand reality we’d try to destroy the world again.

Dirk Gently’s :( fuck you Netflix.

Seriously, cancelling the show WHEN THEY FUCKING OPEN THE HOLISTIC DETECTIVE AGENCY?? My boy Elijah Wood was soo good on this!!! :((

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Cody and the people at Some More News have been warning us for YEARS of this menace:

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Hummmm… I can think of a couple more historical events that follow a similar pattern…

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The “left” in the US is really actually center-right. And the “right” is far-right. So yes, both the “left” and “right” in the US are basically the same. Neoliberalism is just fascism with a smart suit and empty platitudes after all.

But saying the left and right are the same when talking about political ideology (and not the political landscape of the USA) is extremely wrong.

The right wants to conserve existing power structures or revert to previous ones. The left wants to dismantle power structures and bring about egalitarianism.

That is the dichotomy. To the right hierarchy, to the left egalitarianism.

The USA has been the subject of the most powerful and long lasting propaganda machine and psyops in history.

Not being aware of others and how your actions and being affect them.

Very simple example: fuckers who walk towards you on a sidewalk and don’t even blink (edit: I meant think but this is funny nonsense lol) about moving an inch to the side to avoid hitting you. Like looking straight past you not budging even a bit…

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Coyote Bao just sounds like a health code violation lmao

All forms of capitalism benefit the capital owning class. They created this system exactly to do that.

From the state, to nationalism, to the police, to banking and finance, wage labour etc etc. It’s all capitalism and it’s all to benefit the capital owning class.

How the hell would it be any other way?

Everything we have that make this shit more liveable was won with blood by leftists, syndicalists, communists, anarchists etc. The 8 hour workday, weekends, benefits, minimum wages, public health…

There is no capitalism that is good for “everyone else” ever. Why would the system controlled by capital owners benefit anyone but them??

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Ah yes, the legendary capitalist freedom to go homeless and die of preventable diseases. And the awful authoritarian communism of providing full employment and eliminating poverty.

If you don’t think the USA is the most authoritarian country ever, your definition of authoritarianism is useless.

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Also a 19 year old who never dated vs. a 19 year old who dated a few different people already.

Relationship experience is important to help us be safe in our relationships…

Also, the US was VERY hesitant to enter the European war. There was a lot of support for the Nazis in the US. From some high ranking people. Like the first director of the OSS and the Dulles brothers (instrumental in forming the CIA and NATO). They wanted a separate peace with Germany, and to enter the European war against the Soviets. But luckily FDR was unmovable in his support of the Soviets against the Nazis.

Cmon man… Sure it had issues, but acting like Cities Skylines didn’t completely revolutionise city builders is insane.

Dating apps are the most obvious version of the commodification of love.

It depends… I wouldn’t say I cherry-pick, but if the art has a message that parallels the issues I have with the artist, it’s hard not to “separate” them. Like Kanye’s latest album… I can listen to College Dropout and Life of Pablo no problem, they don’t have any Nazi messaging. But his latest album is filled with very weird lyrics that just make me uncomfortable.

Another example would be someone like Dali, who was an avowed fascist. But his paintings don’t really have anything to do with that. And I quite enjoy them still.

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That ignores all the papers on emergent features of LLMs and the fact they are basically black boxes. Yes, we “trained” them to write what we want to hear. But we don’t really understand what happens inside of it. We can’t categorically claim things like “they are only regurgitating what they heard”. Because that is not a scientific or even philosophical statement.

If you think about it for a second, it’s also applicable to human beings…

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That’s because the Chinese experience was very peculiar. When American and European investors and industry giants went abroad to outsource manufacturing, they brought in the capital and left with the profits. But the capital, and technology or knowledge, never spread in the colonies or neo-colonies. When China “opened up”, they were real clever about it. They said: “sure, you can open your factories here where there is an abundance of cheap labor. But in exchange, we want the knowledge and technology”. And since opening up China to foreign capital has been the wet dream of capitalists and proto-capitalists for the past several hundreds of years, they accepted the deal. So China was left with the know-how to be able to set-up their own national industries. And the profits of exporting manufactured goods was used for strategic industries and infrastructure, unlike most colonial and neo-colonial experiences where the profits are just pocketed by a national bourgeoisie.

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That’s not so true nowadays. Skilled factory workers already make a good salary in China nowadays. Like better than any other “global south” country at least. And by cost of living, better than the US probably tbh.

Most people eat animal products.

Also, a good portion of vegans are “healthy hippy” types. Which rarely spills over to strength athletes.

But there are some vegan strength athletes, so it goes to show it’s possible.

Not sure what you mean by this tbh.

Seems like a very forceful attempt to correlate things that have no evidence for relation at all.

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And people foam at the mouth at the idea of reparations being paid out to descendants of slaves…

“Frame” the US Army..? Bro the great satan doesn’t need any framing, its sins are dripping from its fangs and claws.

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Basically they are about (specially Blackshirts and Reds) how “libertarian” socialist experiments all failed, and were ultimately destroyed by national and international bourgeoisie.

I think Critique of the Gotha Program by Marx is much better than the Communist Manifesto, as it’s also a critique of the libertarian socialist Germans.

Like, if you want to get very sad, read about the politicides in Indonesia, Korea, South America etc. Communists (and I include anarchists, libertarians socialists, democratic socialists etc. here) have to organize in strong movements to survive.

All communist experiments that lasted more than 1 years were either MLs or Maoists.

We really should look at this and try to learn from it. It’s a fact, it’s just something that has happened.

We have to understand why democratic socialism is vulnerable to being exterminated, and why ML and Maoism aren’t.

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Yes. Real leftists have no loved ones.

The only love we need is our love for Marx, may peace be upon him.

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Because of the misdirection that exists around “left and right” wing politics.

There is really only one relevant axis when it come to right and left wing. Pro-capitalism and anti-capitalism.

The center and the extreme right both seek to protect capital at all costs. One believes “decorum” and “the structures of power” are necessary to maintain capitalism, one believes an extreme restructuring of power is necessary to “save” capitalism.

They disagree with the means, but they agree with the ends.

And the center will always give way to the extreme right when things get hairy enough. They fear losing some power, but they fear most losing ALL power…

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Like out of all arguments against a socialist state, saying it’s like cancer which is like capitalism is… dumb? Like how? Which socialist state metastasised and “grew” without natural limits? What even is this argument?

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A lower contrast light theme is better for your eyes in brightly lit spaces. Lower contrast dark theme for dark or dim spaces.

I mean I do kind of expect the world to completely collapse within 20 years, so kinda?

A cave or a half-destroyed building in an overgrown city are free right? Doesn’t get cheaper than that.

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Can you really though?

I mean, no jokes though, why don’t you just name him instead of saying you could? Lol

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Mass Effect.

That opening scene, with that music playing… it really hooked me from the first second.

Wrong. The only correct answer is to cry, shit and cum in your pants, and crab-walk away.

Fucking noob.

For all saying the content pack is scummy, first the devs that work on things like this are not the same fixing bugs and issues, working on mod tools etc. Second, this pack is part of the Ultimate Edition, which plenty of people paid for already. It’d be really scummy to NOT release this in a timely fashion for the people who already spent their money expecting it.

I honestly don’t get the outrage at a freaking content pack that doesn’t affect anything at all…

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You may disagree with the idea of the necessity of a socialist state, but saying it’s “not a thing” is just ignorant.

What even is socialism to you?

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I always wonder… can a truly open and free new internet be built? What would be the options in doing something like this? Maybe running on existing hardware (fibre, towers etc.) to a certain extent…

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I love Dragon Age: Origins. One of the best “modern” RPGs for sure. Great replayability. Great characters. Great “rpgness”.

I also love Dragon Age 2. It’s not a great game… but I actually like the story more. I like how more “focused” it feels narrative-wise. The characters are also great. The “rpgness” is less good… and development issues makes for a lot of reused assets.

I kinda like Dragon Age: Inquisition. I’ve been replaying it recently. The story is decent. The characters are also good. Maybe even better tbh. I like the main plot points and the ideas etc. But the game mechanics kinda suck… I hate the pointless missions that take time like mobile games. The way the story progresses, with meta-points blocking things also sucks. But it’s ok…

All in all, I would recommend playing them all. But kinda like watching all the Godfather movies. One is great, another is pretty good, and one kinda sucks but it’s ok. But if you just watch the one that’s great, you kinda miss the whole thing.

Whaaaat? Capitalism benefits capital and not workers and consumers? Preposterous.