Cities: Skylines 2's first post-launch DLC, Beach Properties, is out now and players aren't happy: 'This is a disgrace'

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 124 points –
Cities: Skylines 2's first post-launch DLC, Beach Properties, is out now and players aren't happy: 'This is a disgrace'

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For all saying the content pack is scummy, first the devs that work on things like this are not the same fixing bugs and issues, working on mod tools etc. Second, this pack is part of the Ultimate Edition, which plenty of people paid for already. It’d be really scummy to NOT release this in a timely fashion for the people who already spent their money expecting it.

I honestly don’t get the outrage at a freaking content pack that doesn’t affect anything at all…

I mean, there's obviously the stupid outrage of the "Why did they do this instead of fixing bugs?" variety (as if 3D artists can be reassigned to coding), but there's also, I think, an absolutely justifiable resentment at being asked to pay $10 for an absolutely tiny handful of assets. Like, apparently this is something like ten buildings and four trees? That's fucking weak. At around $3-$5 I think people would be fine with it, but $10 is just taking the piss.

I completely agree, the price is pretty ridiculous and almost no one seems to be focusing on that.

If the game has as many bugs as people say, then the devs working on this should instead be supporting on fixing issues. Reallocate your resources. Obviously they dont have the same skillsets but lets not pretend that nothing could have been done differently

The people who work on asset packs are artists… what the hell can they do regarding bug fixes?

Gamers don't understand software development and it shows

(You're absolutely right)

Sure they make the artwork, but who integrates it? What if bugs occur from that? If content packs could be made by artists alone, everyone would be pumping out content packs constantly.

It’s basically the same as modding assets into the game. The game surely is built around being easy to put in new assets, it’s one of the main cornerstones of what made cities 1 popular in the first place.

Ah yes, just take a 3D modeller and reassign them to bug fixing. That'll work out great. While we're at it, your mechanic should start handling lung transplants since we're short on doctors.

Sure. But does the 3D modeller then integrate their changes into DLC format and bundle it to work with the main game and paywall mechanics? It goes both ways. There isn't just a 3D artist making a bug free DLC package on their own.

I understand the energy in these replies, but do you guys seriously think artists are packaging their work as a DLC and integrating it into the main game? There is still a lot of work that goes into any DLC or major integration that has to be done by the same people that fix bugs.

Games like Cities don’t need that much dev work for assets to be placed in game. I’m sure the game was built with that in mind. That’s how there are so many assets and content to be downloaded in the steam workshop for Cities 1…