Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds to World – 681 points –
Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, study finds

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Can't we all just agree 8 billion people is silly? Think about how much of it is just completely redundant. The main focus really should be massive population reduction.

Edit: Also, no, I don't mean killing off anyone, just reducing birth rates will do fine. We know even just a simple high school education reduces birth rates.

We have resources for >10 billion to live well and sustainably. We failed to do that.

I can probably fit like 10 people in my house if I tried hard enough, so I guess that's what I should do, right? Quantity over quality, right? We just can't have enough suffering.

That's why I put the "well" in the comment though?

Yes I guess I skipped over that, sorry. I would, however, still argue it would not make sense to have that many redundant humans, and that wellness is hard to measure since society does not allow people to express how they truly feel about things.

But then the ever expanding capitalist machine would die off and the oligarchy class simply cannot have that, they need slaves, billions of them.

This is the core argument to eco-fascism.

Reducing birthrates is not genocide. As long as the population continues to increase, human life will be more and more devalued as we continue to choose quantity over quality of life because of a DNA delusion.

Who gets to have kids?

The poor? The blacks? The Jews?

Forcibly reducing birthrights is absolutely genocide. Unless you are talking solely of reducing birth rates within your own ethnic group…I wouldn’t call Chinas “one-child” policy genocide, per se, but it absolutely paved the way for systemic infanticide. And that’s not really significantly better.

Definitely not poor people. I think requiring a license to have children would not be a bad idea. I would not acknowledge reproduction as a human right, but instead as a form of rape.

I am also not bothered by infanticide as long as it is done humanely, and assuming both parents do not want the child.

It literally is genocide, by definition. I know you think you are correct and moral, just like everyone else that ends up thinking stuff like this, but you're not. You need serious psychiatric help as soon possible.